Do you ever feel like you were born the wrong year?

My wife is the greatest she knows how to live of the land, makes everything fresh and from scratch, she just has the basic life experiences which most have lost in this fast pace world we live in today, where it is just easier to get everything from a can, bag, or frozen pop it in the microwave and there you have it. I appreciate her so much, I am a very lucky man. So I am very glad to be where I am at today though I don't know if this world we live in is for the better or the worst?
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My wife was hesitant at first but is now jumping in with both feet.
I'm excited because my oldest daughter and her 3 kids ( ages 5 to 10) are moving here in August. All 3 grandkids have already been told they can have there own chicken/chickens and are very excited at the prospect. They know we don't name our food and that is our #1 purpose for raising chickens. They've been raised in a small town in Eastern Washington and know a little about farmers/farming. Now they are going to learn first hand how to live off the land.
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I have wanted a milking goat since I was about 10 years old, as a more feasable alternative to a dairy cow, but absolutely cannot stomach the taste. I've tried goat's milk from all different sources, both local and store-bought. Once when I was a kid my mother mixed goat's milk with cow's milk to see if she could get us kids to drink it. My siblings didn't notice a difference. When I tasted it I immediately spit it out and exclaimed, "mom, this milk has gone bad!"
I never could decide if I wanted to live with the Walton's or on Little House on the Prairie. I could probably handle either one except for those big old dresses the girls had to wear. LOL!!! I am a shorts and t shirt gal myself. It's been 95 degrees here this week and I can't imagine hoeing the garden in those big dresses, they just look hot.
Sometimes yes.

I know why the pioneers died early... having to wash everything by hand on a scrub board, no microwave, cooking on an open fire, the sheer horror!

I think I could of handled the 50's and 60's. Mom's still stayed at home and things were simplier then.
soon people will be dumping 1960's muscle cars for little money. I am just hoping that I find a job so I can get another 1960's Camaro. I miss mine!!!
I have thought seriously of a goat. I want one primarily for the dairy aspects. The ability to have access to it, my own source to make the dairy products is very appealing. The thought of how to keep it contained, well that is not so appealing. lol, right now my horses are fenced in with three strands of hot rope, and I know that wouldn't even deter a goat. Plus the horses are mostly on dry lot, with a lot of hay. Cutting down trees to make pasture doesn't leave grass, and we are getting pasture to grow in other parts. I was thinking of a pygmy, simply because we are a small family and don't need that much milk. I"m open to a standard size as well. Any thoughts on the subject I am happy to hear.

It was 114 yesterday!

This thread is going really well!

Does anyone have any ideas how to start going towards alternative power? I want a generator, but beyond that I would like to know if turbine or solar are feasible for me. Right now it seems financially prohibitive. Any ideas?

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