Do you feed the deer for the pure pleasure

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They come to my orchard for the apples.....which makes their meat very flavorful!
Once you hit a few, wreck a few cars, cause thousands in damage to your cars..... they get pretty annoying so feeding them is like feeding skunks.....

I do not mind watching deer but there is no way I would ever feed the dumb things. Right now we have a big problem with urban deer populations due to 'feeding stations' in backyards. The only way to eliminate these fearless deer is to hire sharpshooters and that is not a good solution either. I can't tell you how many times I left the UWGB campus and almost hit deer that lived there. You don't expect them to be in the cities.
Allot of people around here feed them but they are a real problem, there are so many. There needs to be a cull or something.
It is not unusual to see them eating in urban gardens, where they live, sleep, and raise their young in the middle of town.
In the Spring many get hit by cars and are severely injured or killed.
Yes! Same here. and I feed them on the tree line on my property going up to my field so it keeps them going to that spot instead of wandering around the property, although they will go down in the big front field and snack on the apple tree. I have actually had neighbors ask if they could come pick the apples and I say ok they can have some, but that tree is mostly for the deer.

You can work against the wildlife or work with them is my motto. They've been here long before I have.
I don't live in the city. As a matter of fact there are like 7 houses on our street (almost a mile maybe?) and there is 1/2 mile of fields to the east of my house to the end of the road. I guess if I lived in the city that'd be different and I'd be annoyed but then again living where I do car/deer accidents happen daily.
We live in the woods. They're coming through whether I feed them or not.

I have not been feeding them, and yesterday a 6-point strolled behind the house at just before noon. That may or may not have something to do with the fact that you can hunt on Sunday now.

We're more particular now about where we feed them. In the beginning, we liked to feed fairly close to the house, so we could watch them. But, I think that attracted them closer to the landscaping. True, they're probably going to eat the plants anyway, but why encourage them to come closer. Now, we have a feeder out in the woods, and we can see them as they're coming and going. And, the field cam gets set up out there. Or, it will when I put batteries in it.

its baiting wild life even if you have a bird feeder out.
You may want to check with F&G for exact laws and how they pertain to your area.

If deer are overpopulated in areas it is because everyone is feeding them and nature is not controlling the situation.
Hard for Nature to take its course when people feed the weak and diseased animals.

Hard for any of us to sit here and read
" we feed the deer, everyone in the neighborhood does also and then read how the deer have suddenly become a nuesince, hello you invited the problem, and now you want someone else to clean it up?
STOP feeding the deer and the problem will go away.

Oh honey look a cute bear!, go fill the bear feeder, Oh whaaa said bear just devistated the chicken coop.
see where this is going.
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