Do you find one is the friendliest?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 30, 2011
I have 4 Buffs. The blondest one, who I call Faith, is such a funny girl. She jumps right up into my lap or onto my arm when I go into the pen. She'll look me straight in the eye when she does it too.

Oh how sweet!! I have a D'uccle that is just awesome. Seems a bit brighter and spukier than the other chicks which are rhode island reds. Is there a lot of variation in temperament in different breeds?
I have two brooder boxes right now. In the one with the 3 week olds there is a Delaware and an Icelandic that are always right there for the attention. Today the Icelandic even jumped up on my shoulder as I was reaching into the box. In the other brooder box I have a bunch that aren't even a week old yet and there is a Delaware that is always ready to jump onto my hand.

Yes there is a difference in temperments with the different breeds. The Delawares are an in your face begging for attention type.
She has also taken to jumping to the highest roost so that she can jump onto my shoulder. You can see her mind working out how to make her way onto me. It's so funny.

I have parrots and won't let them on my shoulders. Same goes for chickens.
She looks so sweet! I have 3 buffs they are just now getting their tail feathers. I do see differences between the birds. I hope I get a sweetie like your girl!
That is so sweet. I have 3 out of the 5 that jump up at us so far. Mine are just tiny babies, but they all should be really friendly. My EE will fly towards me all the way across the room if I leave the brooder door open.

Blondie, your buff is absolutely beautiful!

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