Do you have a favorite breed of dog?

GSD's rule in this house! We have a particular soft spot for white ones, although I am also partial to sables and for a brief time last summer we were dangerously close to adopting a solid black puppy who was returned to the rescue twice (?! He was a super mellow puppy, reminded me so much of our younger dog as a pup). My two are extremely well trained, to the point where I trust my two year old to "walk" them (he holds the leash, I supply the actual control via voice's a lot like walking them off leash).


Both of them, with the old girl Aina in the foreground. She was my very first dog, and the first dog my husband had after moving out. DH and his brother made the mistake of leaving me alone in Petsmart one December while they were looking at electronics and I fell in love with another white shepherd the rescue had there for adoption. By the time I had talked myself out of it, he had talked himself into getting a dog. We decided to fill out an application for both of the white shepherds they had a the time in case someone else who had been at Petsmart that evening was a better match. Turned out Aina was a better match for us anyway, so we brought her home and never looked back.


The younger dog, Tatsu hard at work with his little cart. Until the local farmer's market banned dogs (
) he went with us every Saturday and helped haul home the groceries. He was supposed to be a two year old, but when we were actively looking for a new dog to add to our family DH stumbled across him and two littermates on so we brought him home at the tender age of 13 weeks. The deal was that we could get a puppy only if he took him to training classes. Figured that one puppy would probably cure DH of ever wanting a puppy again. And then Tatsu turned out to be the world's most freakishly mellow puppy ever. His favorite exercise in obedience class was the down stay.
any dog breed can have a purple spot on their tongue, solid blue/black (not purple) is in chows and shar peis have a purple or lavender tongue. It is also the entire mouth, not just the tongue. Even most pet websites get the information wrong. Even a chow mix will usually have a solid black mouth.

Blue and/or black does give the Chows mouth a purple hue. It might technically be called blue or black , however most people who have ever looked at a Chows mouth would describe the color as purple. We owned purebred Chows for 17 years so I do know the color of their mouths from seeing them everyday, not just from a reading that info on a website. It was just easier to say purple than going into the technicalities of a why my mutts tongue has some color that resembles that of a Chow. And by the way we DO KNOW that he has some Chow in him. This thread simply asked "Do you have a favorite breed" and I answered.
Well great danes are 'MY' breed, I've owned other breeds, but they were my first as an adult, and I haven't been w/out one since. My current girl will be 9 years old tomarrow, but you'd never know it to meet her,

Her w/ my previous boy (lost him last year),

(not the most recent pics, don't feel like hunting others down right now)

I have alot of dog breeds I'm sure I'd love, I work in a vet clinic so I get exposed to alot. My current favorite dog at the clinic (a boarder) is a red border collie(?) mix(?). There are plenty of individual dogs I meet and love in breeds I have no desire to own. Dogs that I am a sucker for and WOULD own, bloodhounds, mastiffs, pitbulls, boxers, dobies, etc. I tend to go for larger short haired breeds. Currently I'm dreaming of my next dane puppy (did I mention Iris is going to be 9? That's how long it's been since I've had a dane puppy), I considered going w/ a different breed this time around, but I just can't do it!

I do have a non dane, I have a chinese crested, I love her, but don't have any plans right now for another small dog.

I do also love mutts, and if my E.D. could have been helped she would have stayed w/ me. I'm trying to keep my limit at two (although I 'might' get my next puppy while Iris is still around), but I would have made an exception for her.
Well I am a Komondor girl. I would also love to have a South Russian Ovtcharka. I have a love of livestock guardian dog.
I swore the same thing when my Charlie Girl passed. The same week she died our older GSD pretty much fell in our laps. Jax was in need of a good home and we had a home to give. Not too much later we realized that Jax really needed a brother. The rest is history. Still.....

My Charlie Girl will always be the world's best dog in my heart. We know she was part wolfhound and believe the other half was GSD.

Charlie, two and a half years and I still miss her every single day.

I swore the same thing when my Charlie Girl passed. The same week she died our older GSD pretty much fell in our laps. Jax was in need of a good home and we had a home to give. Not too much later we realized that Jax really needed a brother. The rest is history. Still.....

My Charlie Girl will always be the world's best dog in my heart. We know she was part wolfhound and believe the other half was GSD.

Charlie, two and a half years and I still miss her every single day.

very pretty girl.

when "Bailie" died 9 yrs ago,i had her creamated so i could take her with me.since i was still in the Army,i knew i would be moving around and didn't want to leave her.i have had several dogs since then,but she will always be my best.

BTW-i went back and edited my spelling of "shi-tzu".
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I swore the same thing when my Charlie Girl passed. The same week she died our older GSD pretty much fell in our laps. Jax was in need of a good home and we had a home to give. Not too much later we realized that Jax really needed a brother. The rest is history. Still.....

My Charlie Girl will always be the world's best dog in my heart. We know she was part wolfhound and believe the other half was GSD.

Charlie, two and a half years and I still miss her every single day.

very pretty girl.

when "Bailie" died 9 yrs ago,i had her creamated so i could take her with me.since i was still in the Army,i knew i would be moving around and didn't want to leave her.i have had several dogs since then,but she will always be my best.

BTW-i went back and edited my spelling of "shi-tzu".

My daughter says that if anything ever happens to Dingo, our catahoula, that we have to have him cremated. She is so in love with him and him with her. He is such a great dog, although I swear he thinks he is a cat. He tries to climb anything.
I love ALL dogs. I've had many different breeds and mutts. Never had one that I didn't love. Still, the Saint Bernard is my favorite. Nothing sweeter, gentler, more loyal and protective. I have two right now and sometimes foster for the rescue I adopted my Greta through the rescue and then later was contacted by the person who owned her brother Winston, asking me to take him as well. I also have a lab/husky mix that is an incredible dog, and finally, my little Basset who is my snuggler.
Greta (l) & Winston (middle) with foster dog (r)

My Basset Birdie

Awwwwwwwww...didn't have a pic of my labx in my is down so can't get my pics.
Take my word for it, she's a big black sweet girl with eyes and ears too small for her head, but that's part of her charm.
i had a catahoula before i had my heelers.she was one tough dog-on the outside.
i am leary toget one now becuase i free range my chickens and i know "dazzle" would have killed them all.she was good with my cats and other dogs but if it were a wild animal,it was toast.which is what she is supposed to do.
your "dingo" is beautiful.i would have a hard time saying no to one if offered,so i try not to look at

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