Do you have a sign on your coop?


Not as fancy as some of ya'll but heres mine
Alright, I am going to go in for the kill.... I have an unfinished coop... I have wanted to name... but I can't decide... My name is virginia but my nick name is Jenny.. has been all my life.. so I thought about Jenny's Henny .... I live in Macomb michigan... so I thought: Ma's comb hen house.. didn't really like it... My husband's name is Pete...he doesn't like the chickens.. so I thought it would be fun to name it: Pete's Peckers... but I think I would get into trouble...
I do like some of the ones I have seen... but that would be stealing idea's.. like Chick- Inn... that is sooo cute... orI don't know if I saw this one or not...: cluckinhen palace... too cute. Give me some idea's... I have a wood egg that my son in law carved out laying in my garage.. so I could make a sign...don't laugh at the coop it is not finished yet... way from being finished... my son is going to build me another run.. because the one my husband built is pretty sorry...

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I hope I get this picture thing right...


Sign was from an old motel. The other side says "Weekly Rates".. I think I'll flip it over for the winter months.
You know the red plastic "flags" you staple on lumber that sticks out past your car when you're transporting it to alert the drivers behind you? My husband had brought some lumber home and the red flag said "DANGER" - so I took it and stapled it to the coop at the spot where we collect eggs. You know - killer hens inside - Beware! Ha ha
Here are a few others I have considered:
Chix motel

Over Easy

Pollo Loco

Huevos Rancheros

Chicken Nugget..(my grandchildren love)

Cluck n Stuff....(like Puff n Stuff)

Other Side Of The Road.

Egg Cell

I think I am thinking too much about this...
Some really great ideas on this thread! I guess I'll have to put some thought into it. My brooder got out of control with the paint job. I think I'll have to tone it down for the coop sign. The Atomic 50's theme won't work...

Sorry the pic is blurry. It says Chicken Safari Motel. The red sign has Not Refrigerated painted on it.
Ondra's Seramas :

"My coop was cleaned last week. Sorry you missed it."

I need to do a sign like this.

I love the one that said: "The price to stay is an egg a day."

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