Do you have chicken nightmares too.


Apr 19, 2015
I'm curious to know if I'm the only one that has nightmares I almost never dream but when I do I have these wildly vivid nightmares that almost have something to do with my chickens. Most recently I dreamed I was getting home from work and my dad had let them out to forage in the pasture next to our property and they were being attacked by pelicans. Hes just standing there telling me we have a problem where I'm already out there busting some pelican skulls to save my girls. Then last night I dreamed there was a whole gang of oppsums that broken the window in our barn and were headed for the coop. Forcing me to go play wack a oppsum. Surely I'm not the only that this happens to. What's your craziest chicken dream
Yes I’ve had them! In general I have pretty weird dreams, sometimes nightmares about various things.

In one particularly bizarre chicken dream I fended a fox off my birds with my bare hands :lol:

That's crazy. I actually did get all mama bear with a coyote last winter. He was hunting (in broad daylight) in the pasture next to our house and every day he got closer and closer to our yard. Finally I said enough and put on my boots and cover alls and chased him back and forth through the woods behind the pasture... never saw him again.
When I dream of coons or something attacking my girls it Ends up real. One time I had a dream about a cougar (I live in ohio so there aren’t any) took my fav duck away. When I woke up my favorite duck was dead in her coop

Dont you hate when they come true. That's awful. Sorry about your duck baby
I'm curious to know if I'm the only one that has nightmares I almost never dream but when I do I have these wildly vivid nightmares that almost have something to do with my chickens. Most recently I dreamed I was getting home from work and my dad had let them out to forage in the pasture next to our property and they were being attacked by pelicans. Hes just standing there telling me we have a problem where I'm already out there busting some pelican skulls to save my girls. Then last night I dreamed there was a whole gang of oppsums that broken the window in our barn and were headed for the coop. Forcing me to go play wack a oppsum. Surely I'm not the only that this happens to. What's your craziest chicken dream

I dream about my mine all the time! Although I never dreamt a mink would tunnel a hole through the floor and get in... and in the end that’s what happened!
My sister @PollyGirl21 has scared off a fox before. It had a hen in its mouth and she yelled at it. It dropped the hen and ran away. The hen sustained very minor injories and healed fine on her own.
I have been remembering more of my dreams lately. My favorite dreams often fall into one of two categories: Dark and depressing, and Chickens. None of these have been nightmares. I had more ‘nightmares’ when I was little, and even then they were not full of action or violence but were just a weird, creepy, unsettling or odd kind of scary.
I have had dreams multiple times where I got more chickens. Always adults for some reason. (I hope I remembered to quarantine!)
Every time I wake up I wonder where all my new chickens went.
I dream about my mine all the time! Although I never dreamt a mink would tunnel a hole through the floor and get in... and in the end that’s what happened!

Dang it. That's terrible. I'm typically the type to forgive I mean predators are just doing what they do but I HATE minks they are awful.

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