Do you have to do Pairs?

Oh, I know the eggs aren't likely to develop, hence the "I'm paranoid."
As far as the eggs being fertilized, it was more of an ethical thing, not a question of them tasting different.

Oooooh, gotcha!
We kept a fllock of Muscovies mostly for eggs. there were about 100 ducks but only two drakeskept over the winter and the joke was the 2nd drake was just for insurance in case the first drake died. The drakes were kept in a seperate area far from the ducks and were used to produce fertile eggs for flock replacement. we would bring the selected ducks to the drake and then to the mama pen to produce ducklings once they were big enough to be sure, the ducklings wre returned to the duck house with their mamas and the draklets were raised for meat. the laying flock did much better without the drakes always pestering them and starting fights about mating. So I would say No you don't have to do pairs drakes are only needed for ducklings.
Goosedragon........ shame on you
drakes are beautiful animals..... not just sperm banks

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