My babies liked the rain the first day or two, but going on five days and they are getting a little weary of the near constant down poor. I hate to tell them there is no end in site.
Ain't that the truth! For the past week I've been promising my chooks a sunny day the following day when I lock them up at night. They are beginning to think I am the world's biggest fibber.

By the way, the little blurb of rain clouds that was over Oklahoma this morning passed over us a few hours ago. You should be receiving it sometime tomorrow.
Here in the Great Northwet
, my girls seem to be more the diva types - find shelter and fast!

To provide more shelter than my potting table and the barbecue with those convenient low roosting bars, I have made three lean-tos of varying sizes. The largest one has their stainless steel bucket feeder and a dish of oyster shells; it also covers their favorite wallows, which have DE mixed in with the dirt. Another lean-to has a long slider-feeder underneath.

They just have a short sprint to the henhouse if they want to lay an egg, a journey they seem willing to make - I never find eggs in any of the lean-tos.
Well, searched before posting and found the answer to my question in a deluge of 'Rain' threads...

The only creative thing that I can add to this is, the other day there was a slight rain starting, hardly more than a drizzle. I was outside working, and noticed that the chickens all ran into their coop.

'Strange', I thought... 'birds are so strange.'

A minute later, the thunderstorm struck and I hastened inside as well. Not strange; but smart.

Next time I'll watch the chickens. Not as dumb as one would think; standing in the rain isn't so dumb anyway. Both I and my daughter love it (only my wife thinks that someday we may catch cold; hasn't happened yet but it is sure to happen someday and being out in the rain will surely have been the cause).

I prefer to think that we're developing brown fat cells, as we like to stay outside a lot when it freezes over. I wonder if Chickens have brown fat...

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