Do you like mcmurray hatchery?

I ordered 25 layers from McMurray - got 26 in the mail.
All were/are very healthy and robust. We unfortunately lost 12 to dogs, but that was not the hatchery's fault. My hens are all laying beautifully now. When I placed my order, first time chicken owner, I had my breeds all picked out. However, they were sold out of the ones I wanted. The lady was extremely helpful and took alot of time talking to me about the alternative breeds I could get, and to keep calling back to see if the other ones were available. I wound up getting what they recommended, and love all my chickiebabies!
Here's my number 1 rule of advise when ordering from any hatchery;

Learn as much as you can. Instead of ignoring other's experiences, make informed decisions so you don't end up losing a bunch of your flock unnecessarily because you think you are 10 feet tall and bullet proof.

For those of the opinion that AE was not the hatchery's fault and they are not responsible are incorrect according the the U of MN diagnostic lab. In fact, the vet told me that McMurray should be ashamed.

It sure brought our proft down last year. Our accountant even enclosed the lab results from the U in our file in case we get audited so we have proof what happened.

It's easy to judge until you have had it happen to you.
We ordered 25 chicks from MM last year. All arrived healthy. However, once they got older, we realized that none of the Dominique chicks were hens. All roosters. To make matters worse, 4 out of 5 roosters have severely deformed legs.
We ordered 25 more this year and got them last Monday. We received 27. However, we didn't get the ones we ordered. We wanted 10 Buffs and 5 Red Leghorns. We got 9 Buffs and 4 Leghorns. We got 13 Ameracaunas. We have lost 4 since Monday. One was a runt who dies within hours. The other three seemed vibrant but just dropped dead.
I personally do not like mcmurray hatchery. I have talked to many people and they all have had problems with them. I order from mypetchicken for five reasons.

#1 They offer almost all their chicks sexed ( even bantams )

#2 You can get a much smaller order shipped, for small poultry owners like us who don't need 25 chicks. Plus if they need a extra chick shipped with your order they will send the sex and breed of what you have already ordered. ( this is from of the website )
Our smallest order size of 3 chicks applies to major cities only, such as Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco, Boston, Seattle, Portland OR, etc., due to the speed with which they can be delivered. If you live within 30 minutes of a major city, the best minimum is 5 chicks. For any town or rural area that is more than 30 minutes from a major city, our minimum is 8 chicks. This is to protect the chicks due to increased time in transit. If you are ordering Bantams, we strongly recommend that you add two chicks to any of the above quantities. We love our babies too much to let anything happen to them!

#3 They have very rare breeds at very good prices. I ordered from them last month ( I got the assorted polish ) I ordered five and got one of each varieties, Three that i have are bearded two that are not.

#4 Shipping, I placed my order and in two weeks they where hatched and shipped. They hatched Monday, I got them the next day a 9:00 am. They where all healthy and happy chicks.

#5 they have wonderful customer service! They will answer any and all question.
I ordered 26 chicks this year - two of this breed, three of that for a total of 8 different breeds and colors. All pullets. They sent 28 - and extra white rock pullet and a free exotic (white Polish roo). All arrived on Memorial Day at the Post Office Distribution Center. I picked them up and there were about 15 boxes of others waiting to go home. All my chicks were healthy and alive and sexed correctly. They are doing well.
I'm very happy with MM Hatchery. Mind you, my flock is just backyard eye candy and nothing great is expected of them - except eggs.
i have ordered from mcmurray for the past 4 years have never had any problems with them.but i do wish they had more rare breeds.
Oh wow ive heard of lots of ppl having problems with them u must be a lucky one

Then I am too--have order at least 10 times over the last 25 years--minimum of 30 birds--and never had a dead bird nor lost one.
ETA: If there is a problem it may be from one of two causes: poor handling in transit (USPS) or the handling after delivery.
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