do you prefer purebreds or mutts?

I prefer pure breeds from GOOD top-quality breeders. I like to get birds to preserve them, but at the same time i like crosses as they're neat sometimes. Just never use them for breeding or anything.

I have a Barred Rock/EE cross, and she looks all Barred Rock but lays Olive colored eggs

I just love all the colors, but do like purebreds. I am curious about crosses, so I guess at the end of the day I like a little bit of both
That would be my goal... to have a few awesome purebred specimens in my flock and then use them to create mixed offspring (for looks and eggs only).

What a great adventure!
I currently have 21 mutt eggs in my incubator from my barnyard mix, and 4 chicks that are 2 weeks old from the same mix. I love the colors of the current chicks and can't wait to see what the new ones look like. I'm also saving eggs from my EE hen this week, who's been mating with my RSL roo, so I'm hoping for some olive eggers
I like both- the purebreds are predictable, and chicks & eggs can help defray the cost of feed. But I'm smitten with Easter Eggers & Olive eggers, and plan on making LOTS of them!
I like both for their own reasons. Some of my mutts are among the prettier birds in my flock and the goofier - lots of personality. And, since they don't all look alike I can easily tell them apart from a long distance, instead of having to catch, grab, and examine them to see who is who. But there is nothing like a nice typey purebred bird to make you take a second, longer look. I love em all!

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