Do you share your computer?


Quiet as a Church Mouse
14 Years
Dec 19, 2009
Southwest TN
I have my own laptop, it was a Christmas gift. My kid has abused her desktop to the point that it no longer works. I use my computer to work from home, as well as entertainment. I do not have time to supervise her for 2 hours on MY computer to make sure she doesn't demolish it. The first/last time I let her use it, she hit the keyboard with her fist because it wouldn't work fast enough for her. She has a 2 hour Math assignment from school. Why the crap can't schoolwork STAY AT SCHOOL? I DO NOT want her to use my laptop!! Would you let her if it was yours? DH is getting a bit pissy about it
I want her to get her schoolwork done, but not at the expense of my $1100 laptop!! YES I AM BEING A BIT SELFISH! I cannot afford to be without it, nor have to replace it. Would you let her use it? I told her she could do her work at afterschool, she should not have torn hers up. Dunno what DH's issue is with that.. If she were more responsible I would not care a bit to let her use it...but she isn't. I don't feel like I am being unreasonable. THEY think I am. Am I?
I think you are right not to let her use it - that is a lesson that she should have taken care of her own computer. I allow my daughters to use my laptop sometimes but they are teenagers and have respect for it as my property. I am afraid she has to learn that expensive equipment can't just be abused and then you move on the wreck the next - math or no math!! Good luck!
Someone who smashes the keyboard because they are impatient is not mature enough to handle delicate equpment. A laptop keyboard is soooo much more delicate than a desktop, plus the fact that the entire computer itself is under the keyboard. Break a $12 desktop piece of plastic keyboard and you can get a new one at Walmart tomorrow, break a laptop and you are probably screwed for a new computer or at the very least having to lug a USB keyboard around with your supposedly-portable laptop.
DH likes to hit his moniter, so he's stuck with the dinosaur type ones with tough glass fronts. No soft LCD screens for him!

I would NOT let her use it!!!!!
Take her to a library to get her assignment done - they have free computers there.

I don't usually share my computer with the kids. We have 4 computers in this house (2 desktops, 2 laptops) and the kids have to share one desktop that is 11 years old and they hate it because it's slow. Too bad, I used that one until a year ago, deal with it. All they do is play games on it. If your DD has been irresponsible with your computer in the past, I don't blame you for not allowing her to use yours now, I wouldn't either.
Thanks everybody! I was feeling like a selfish meanie...of which I have been accused of being. She gets her behavior with electronics from her daddy
They don't take care of ANYTHING!! It drives me nuts! Found out she has had this assignment for over a MONTH
and has waited till the last minute to do her THREE SESSIONS of 40 minute TESTS for 30% of her Math grade...
One day...maybe she'll learn. She's 13 and acts like a 7 year old sometimes. Her excuse...same as usual..."I forgot." THIS child is gonna be the death of me

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