Do you SMOKE and want to GIVE UP ?????

I'm actually starting to get excited that so many of us are going to do this together. Might just work out if we have people to reach out to in a moment of weakness. Good luck to us all! I also want to thank birdboy88 for being our spirit lifter, I will probably need that a bunch. Also thanks to everyone else that will be pulling for us and helping out.
You accept tons of cyber hugs and help from BYC!!!!!!!
My husband smoked for 36 years and tried everything to quit smoking. He has now been smoke free for almost 2 years thanks to CHANTIX. Insurance didn't cover the cost at the time but it was well worth the money. My husband can't believe how much better he can smell things and how much more flavor his food has now. I was a smoker for a short time but quit when I found out I was pregnant. I can honestly say that if it wasn't for being pregnant I don't know how I would have quit smoking. I applaud all of you for quitting.
NOPE NOPE! that's for me!!
all moods swings on me i am the Spirit lifter i am here to take all the moods that can happen in a 2 minute time frame LOL

Oh, Mark, sweet, innocent Mark. I don't think you have any idea what you are taking on here. I can turn evil and sprout horns in a matter of seconds.

Well, I am not really much of a chocolate person. However, jelly bellies.......OH MY!!!! I can see me living on those little babies for awhile.
And they ARE healthy....they are FRUIT!!!!!

Yes Mark as the Officla Spirit Lifter you are going to have a very big contract to fill......we all sprout horns and run round breathing fire!!

For me it's Jelly Beans.........yeow do I love them...but will not be weak, not giving up smoking for my teeth to fall out because of sugar..........
Simple answer... yes

yes I smoke, and yes I hae to quit. I did make for a few months once, but then caved in.

If we all want a better and longer life, this is on of the best things we can do. More cash and better health.

If you start something.... I am in.

Thanks for bringing it up Linda.

My brother quit smoking and uses the money he no longer spends on cigarettes for other things - usually a trip.
Just think how you could expand your flocks with the money saved!

Thank you that is a real good idea.

I only have 4 chickens and today for the first time I got 4 eggs, now they are all online and I am so thrilled.

I do want more chickens, and as all of this has been like a journey back to my roots, I think your idea is excellent.

In the coming year I really want to find a small plot of land and I want some goats and donkeys as well as more chickens of course.

Seems like a good way to use the cash doesn't it?

Thank you.

Yapps get them ALL to have a go and quit with you...come on you can do it and so can they! I am the only smoker in my house and I am looking forward to cleaner lungs and a cleaner house........

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