Do you SMOKE and want to GIVE UP ?????

Add me to the group, I want to quit too!!

My daughter & I had just been talking about this in the past 2 weeks. I smoke less than a pack a day and have really started to wonder why I even smoke at all, other than the addiction. I really hate to wake up every morning with cotton mouth and feeling was mentioned in an earlier post.

I'm gonna try to get her to quit with me. There are 3 of us here at home. (DH, me & daughter) DH does not smoke, never did & I know he doesn't like it.

I started smoking when I was 17, am now 48. I quit smoking during my 2 pregnancies, in '82 & '86 respectively. Went right back after delivieries. Then again in '96 I quit 'cold turkey' for 2 years I was smoke free. In '98 I had a stressful time & the first thing I reached out to was cigarettes, and there I was back again puffing away. Total years spent smoking -- about 27 years. Wow, that's over 1/2 my lifetime.

I don't know what it's going to be like around here, with going thru menopause & quitting smoking...should be very interesting. Good thing I'm not a violent person...someone could get hurt...LOL!! Just kidding, about the hurting someone...I could not do that.

It will be cold turkey for me. I'm not one to slowly do something, if I go that way it will never happen.

And this is a perfect time to do this, DH's birthday is Dec. 31...what a nice birthday gift for him.

Jan. 1st...

Thanks so much!!!
I stopped 1 1/2 years ago and am so glad I did,cold turkey is how I did it.
Now if I could only get my hubby to stop smoking at least in the house,cause now I cant stand the smell of it....
I wish you all luck in stopping
Best of luck to you all, especially you, EC.

I tried smoking cigarettes ONCE in high school. I thought other guys looked cool smoking, so I thought, "what the heck".

I smoked 2 cigaretttes a day for about one week. I woke up coughing stuff up, PLUS I had people came up to me and told me I looked like a dork when I smoked.

So that removed all reasons I had to smoke.
Haven't done it since.

I wish there was something us non-smokers could do to support you all in your efforts to quit. Maybe just know that we're out here pulling for you?
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Jena, decorate a jar with some pictures of chickens or the country, and every time you feel the need for a cigarette, go put some cash in the jar. You'll look at the jar, and reaffirm your promise to yourself.
I quit using Zyban/Wellbutrin in 2000 when I turned 30. That lasted for two years and then I took up smoking again. I tried cold turkey a few times in the past year and it was overwhelming. I then got another prescription for Zyban 8 weeks ago and have quit without a problem, haven't had a cigarette in 8 weeks. While the military pays for my meds, those who are paying out of pocket don't really have to do the whole three month prescription that they recommend. Both times I quit I only took the Zyban for 2 to 3 weeks and then stopped using it. That was enough to get me past the initial withdrawal systems and get a grip on things.
Another quitter here, I quit in 2001. My son learned all the anti smoking stuff at school came home asked me to quit first time I tried it worked cold turkey I STILL miss it probably always will I would LOVE to have a smoke right now. its a constant battle, good luck everyone.
If you want to quit smoking cold turkey on the 1st, I'd start now. Start breaking your daily habits. Skip a cigarette here and there. Cut down before the 1st. Don't expect to smoke a pack the day before and then quit on the 1st, that's pretty rough.
The Chicken Lady,

Thank you that is a brilliant idea, and I have just the jar.... lol

I have been clearing a room today and I came across a jar that was given to me by a very old and honoured gentleman I once knew, so it is now sitting on my craft table ready to get decorated.

Excellent, thank you.

Debi!!! I was wondering when you were going to chime in!!!!

You might as well quit too!! I also have 2 other people in the house smoking and if I do quit I am sure that with my constant Bi%#%^$#
about the smell they will either quit or go outside!!

If I am quitting, there is no way in "you know what" that people are going to be smoking in my house!! Oh boy, I can feel the moods coming on!!

It's kind of funny but also annoying in my family. I've never smoked a single cigarette in my life other than the millions of second hand ones around me. My entire family, grandparents, parents, brother, they all smoked. When I left at 18 I told them there would be absolutely NO SMOKING in my house or my vehicles, and they all honored except my mom. She still doesn't.

My grandmother, God rest her soul, got out of my truck at a stop light on a busy street in El Paso and stood next to my truck smoking until the other light turned yellow, then she would get back in. I had people giving me the nastiest looks like I made her do that! But she never smoked in my truck lol!

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