do you think a cat can be bipolar (manic-depressive)? seriously.

Um, sorry, and no offense meant, but excuse me -- you do not know what my cat *has* (you just have an idea that seems likely to you), and you certainly do not know my vet nor whether I need a new one hmm

wow. sorry and good luck. i thought you were asking for input from others with similar problems. obviously i dont know what your cat has. since your vet has done such a great job so far i'm sure they will help you out.​
You know, I'm sorry you're ticked off, but my cat has been repeatedly starving itself and sometimes in very rough shape with an unclear future, and I am very upset about it.

Giving me a buncha drippy sarcasm just because your pride is dented is NOT very helpful.

Look, I do appreciate your voting for the idea that it MIGHT be IBD, based on your experiences.

Whereas blithely asserting you *know* (not just think) what is wrong and i need look no further, and that my vet doesn't know what he's doing, is not helpful at all. (Especially when you seem not to have read all my posts anyway, since the IBD thing was discussed there).


I hope your kitty snaps out of his funk, and you guys figure out what it is soon.

I almost think it could be an allergic reaction to something in his food (usually it's something like wheat or other grains) but I'm not a vet so I'm not sure.

I *personally* would try an elimination diet of some sort, gradually adding different ingredients until you figured out what it may be (if it is indeed dietary).
But I'm glad you're trying so hard for him! I know some people would have put him down by now...

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