Do You Think That Hanging Laundry Outside Looks Bad?

I think laundry hanging outside is a blast from our past and it is a wonderful thing to see. Especially when I drive by and someone is out ther hanging their clothes.

I used to live in the Eastern Sierras and always hung laundry because propane is danged expensive. In the winter, the wild animals would come down out of the mountains looking for food. I lost my favorite flannel pj's to a VERY young baby bear playing monkey bars on my laundry. There is nothing better than that sight out of your window on a snowy night.
I love laundry hanging outside, for all the reasons mentioned. I know in our area many neighborhoods have indeed banned it (not mine). With our rain, my outside laundry hanging is limited to summer.
When we bought our tiny house in April there was just enough room for a stackable washer dryer unit. Since we were going to live more self sufficient we decided to only purchase a washer and just live without a dryer so that way there would be no excuses for not finding other ways to dry clothes. I went threw DTs for about 2 weeks and now I can't imagine why I would ever use a dryer again. Between the electricity and wear on the fabric for us it makes sense to just not have one.

Do I think it looks bad? No, I do not. Do my neighbors? Probably, but I don't care. We have 2.5 acres and a little house they have a 700,000 house and love giving snooty looks when ever they can. I certainly wouldn't purposefully do anything to bother them but I will not alter how I live my life because some people who don't really seem to enjoy anything about life have a problem with it.

It is shocking to hear about it being banned. With all the bad things going on in this world I am amazed at the trivial things people will bicker over.

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