Do you use homemade laundry detergent?

If you only use 1-2 tbps, how long does a 5 gal bucket last, and does it go bad? There's only me and my DH, so we don't do tons of laundry , but In this summer heat, my DH laundry gets done every day as he is in construction, (stinky and dirty)! It just seems like a lot for only 2 people. Should I maybe try the powdered?

You could try mixing a half batch (2 1/2 gallons) or even cut the ingredients down to a 1/4 and make about 1 1/4 gallons. I use 1/4 cup per load on normal soiled clothes, and 1/2 cup on heavier soiled clothes.
Uh oh. Maybe I didn't get the water hot enough . . . . .I made the liquid recipe, but not sure it turned out right.

Not only do I have a pretty thick layer on top like several have said, there are still some lumps in bottom of the liquid part. I've been stirring it each day, and actually have the 5 gallon bucket on the back porch so it can warm up in the sunshine. Thought that might help in addition to stirring. With whisking and stirring, will this eventually be ok? And when you use it, you just wisk up that top layer first, then scoop out your 2 tablespoons?
Mine has the clumpy layer on top and the liquid is runny like water not syrupy like soap (not sure if this is normal or not?), not sure I heated mine up enough either, I have mine sitting in the sun also, but have been thinking about sticking it in the turkey fryer to reheat hope it gets better.... Someday I'll get to it (been busy), and let you know if it works out...
Just finished making my small batch today and tried it. I have been using Zote for hand washing and spots for about 6 months. I had that and Borax on hand so no expense there. I found the washing soda at Walmart for $ 3.34 and the cashier found a coupon for $ 1.00 off so I got it for $ 2.34. I had a larger bar of Zote and only used about 1/2 to get the 4.5 oz needed for the recipe. That bar cost me .89 cents at my local grocery. I don't know how many cups there are in a box of Washing Soda but I am sure I can make many batches with it. I was trying to figure out how much it cost to make. Borax = free, Zote = .40 cents, Soda = ?.
Anyway, my clothes smelled great and looked clean. So far the results are looking good. Inexpensive, easy to make, green and works. A win win situation. Thanks for posting this thread.
I still can't find Washing Soda.
Tried Home Depot, Target, and Albertsons. Guess I will try the mom and pop hardware store by us next.
No Walmart near here so I guess I will have to try there when I make a trip back into town.
When I was checking out different home made cleaners I read that you can bake baking soda at 250 degrees for 1 hour and it makes it washing soda. Its a chemical change with the heat. Tryed it and my laundry soap works the same as what I made before useing washing soda. You can look it up to get all the chemical info

Also found reciepe for home made shower spray. The kind you spray after each shower. Have to look when I get home how to make it
Yes you can but I have found out it does not get them as clean as detergent. Probably because it does not have a wringer thingy in it. So I decided to use up my batch just for bedsheets and towels in HOT water cycle and be done with it. It would leave clumps in the folds so I won't be making anymore homemade detergent. I loved it for my old washer.
My family plays as hard as they work, and are dirt magnets. Thanks for the recipes, it seems like I'm FOREVER buying laundry soap.

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