Do you wear gloves to candle?


8 Years
Mar 2, 2011
I'm dying to candle and take pictures.........Just put my eggs in. I have read on here that some folks say don't handle them much. Do you wear gloves? Do they get cold when you're doing that?

Dumb questions from a newbie!
nope..never even thought about wearing gloves.
I think if the eggs can withstand a hens poopy butt sitting on them... my washed hands ought to be okay....
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No.. its a GOOD smart question!

And when you candle..just do it quickly..but SAFELY.. it will be fine..
Good luck!
No gloves. Just clean hands.

It won't hurt the eggs to cool for a little while. Mama hen has to get off the nest most every day. Just don't take an hour to finish candling.
I'd heard of using gloves to keep the oils from your hands off the eggs, but I was afraid I'd drop one if I wore them. I know that's what happened when I tried wearing gloves to wash the dishes, we had to buy a new set of drinking glasses.
I'm a newbie and this is what I did:
I just washed my hands first (no gloves because I was afraid of dropping). I plugged in my heating pad on high and put 2 egg cartons on it with a towel over them. I moved all the eggs to this set-up once it was warm and candled them from there, handing each candled egg to my husband who gently put it back into the incubator. Any questionables I put back in the carton and took a second look at when all others were back in the incubator. I did this only once during incubation at 18 days. I kept 2 questionables and tossed 2 clears.

Good luck!!!
If you own chickens and you deal with hatching eggs and chicks just keep a bottle of hand sanitizer availible at all times. Alot of people candle 2 times I prefer to just wait till day 10 and candle once so that I have better hatch rates.

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