do your birds make you money?

I had to stop buying nice wine in order to afford my chickens. Tee hee

But seriously if it were not for the addiction to acquiring different breeds it sure is worth the expense and effort. But as soon as I can I will try to develop a few special customers. Right now I give the eggs away because I can and in doing so I have one potential customer who wants to buy some chicks. If I could make a few dollars to help pay for the feed, well I would like that !

Don't make a nickel! They actually cost me money, more than I care to keep track of. But they make great little friends, so that's all that matters!
chickens are the only true love birds, sure you can have some parekeets, macaws or a cockatial but has anyone ever realy made a good friend with a parrot, they may not talk much, they may even cause a little ruccus but, i'm not the proud dependant of parents who work for tha zoo, nor do i have any really exotic pets, "unless if Oddie is considered an exotic breed" but chickens are the only fethered frends i've ever known too well. some times i wish i had more than a baby radio to watch and/or listen to them at night.
I think, by my calculations my, 16 girls make me about $10.00/ month, net at 3.50/doz.

I think, if I include the initial cost of the chicks at $5.00 each, the cost of materials for the coop, straight run with 50% roosters, and their feed, they would have to lay about 2000 eggs for me to break even. At 7 eggs a day (low estimate) it would take 285 days. So I think I can say that I will have paid off the overhead in about 250 days of laying.

It's kinda wife is from a big city in China and she puts the egg money in a coffee can on top of the refrigerator. I tell her it's for a bigger chicken coop for the chickens...because they are the ones with the sore butts.
we spent a small fortune converting the hay shed to a coop and a run. But now, my small flock of 8 laying hens are paying for themselves. I haven't had to use my own money for two months to buy feed or bedding. they have been laying for almost three full months now.
In a week, I got 42 eggs, so my average is pretty high. I sell my eggs for 3.50 a dozen (going rate here)
I am happy with that. If they can pay for themselves, that is great.
and I enjoy having the option of fresh farm egg sandwiches whenever I want.
My flock costs me money, the same as my cows, dogs, and husband! Heck, if I could get rid of the DH I could have a lot more cows and chickens!!
I don't have my birds to make money. Actually unless you have a very big operation you won't get rich with chickens. I do sell the eggs and my egg sales pays for the feed.

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