do your birds make you money?

Not usually. Most of my show birds don't at all. But last year I bought 50 pullet chicks, fed and raised them to 10 weeks of age, and sold them for a hefty price as a 4-H project. I made a PROFIT of $125. I was pretty proud of myself, and hope to do it again. I also made a couple hundred bucks off the market broilers I took to fair. NEVER AGAIN with those stinky nasty ugly birds.
don't hold your breath, that may change soon...

chickity poo poo... its for sale home depot. too late.

Maybe I will bag some and see what they will give me for it...
No kidding! Occasionally I see ads on Craigslist for people trying to sell 5 gal buckets of poo for $5-10/each. Whatever works...

One person can only compost so much poo
hahahahahahahaha, profit... we saved money by raising our own broilers last year, but thats about it. And restrictions on food sales are so tight in mass that i can't sell eggs or meat, and when i do sell a show bird its usually only for 5-10-15 bucks, naw i do cause i love em...
Nope. Not after deducting the cost of top-quality feed, shavings, nutritious treats, etc. But I love them anway!
No, they do not make me any money... actually, let me clarify that, I sell eggs to some of my friends and clients, but it is not enough to either support nor exceed my expenses involving the chickens. What they do make me though, is happy. In some ways, that is better than money.
Only about $10.00 a week if that. But to me they are priceless, because even the most depressed person can get a smile a day, They make me happy
If I don't include capital expenses, only feed and bedding, I make a little money. I am able to sell "free-range" eggs in a college town for $3.00/doz. More at the farmers market. We have 40 layers and plan to add more. We have a large chicken coop that came with our farm. We aren't getting rich off it though.

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