Doberman thread

i rescued a blue doberman almost 18 months ago. his name is odie. he has numerous issued such as a severe corn allergy allergies to other things such as wheat. he also has IBD irritable bowel disease . which is really hard on him.
BUT other than that we LOVE our big guy! Odie is amazing with kids and all our animals. wouldnt trade him for the world!
I have three and a fourth old rescue girl...


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OMG! This thread is going to make me cry!
I miss my Sasha soooooo much!
She was a large boned euro Dobe purchased from a Kimbertal breeder for $2,000. & at the age of 2 was diagnosed w/ hypothyroidism so she was on meds for the rest of her life.
This made her be overweight also. Always had very high liver enzymes when she had her bloodwork done (which was every 6 month)

At the age of 10 her liver gave out & we had to make the decision to put her down....It had to be the hardest decision to ever have to make

So after months of mourning we decided to adopt a rescues instead of going back to the breeder. We adopted 2 Coon hounds which people think are Doberman's that are uncropped/docked.

Although 3 years has passed I still cry almost every day & would give my right arm to have my Sasha back!
She was so smart & quite the actress & knew so many commands, she understood the biggest vocabulary of any dog I have ever known.

My husband made many funny videos of her during the 10 years of her life & did voice-overs to the videos...he made her have somewhat of a manly voice as she was a very dominant dog & I refused to do voices on video
So she is kinda immortalized (if thats the right word) on Youtube under Sasha the Doberman.

I try to watch the videos, but wind up crying & being more depressed
Don't get me wrong I LOVE Buddy & Jolie (our 2 hounds) & they are absolutely GREAT w/ the chickens...we don't ever let the girls free-range w/o the dogs out as they (especially Buddy) watch the sky for hawks...but I know Sasha would have been great w/ them also she was always like a Momma to any animal smaller than her & was great w/ our caged birds.

I will subscribe to this thread & look forward to having a good cry looking at other peoples Dobe's...maybe someday we will have another one

Here are some pictures I have on my laptop of my Sasha....hope you enjoy!

R.I.P. ~Sasha~ I will always love & miss you my boo boo girl!


Sasha laying by pellet stove waiting for Daddy to get home from work.


Sasha & her friend Smokey


Sasha at Easter w/ her bunny ears on guarding her eggs LOL


Sasha guarding the deck
Your post made me cry. What a beautiful girl she was. She looks like she was loved beyond words. I love to hear stories about how much love an animal recieves and gets. When their are such bad stories of horrific animal abuse. You are an awesome woman to keep her memory alive like that.
I hope this thread will help you heal a little. And maybe this will help also just a little. Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown
Hens & Hounds :

OMG! This thread is going to make me cry!
I miss my Sasha soooooo much!
She was a large boned euro Dobe purchased from a Kimbertal breeder for $2,000. & at the age of 2 was diagnosed w/ hypothyroidism so she was on meds for the rest of her life.
This made her be overweight also. Always had very high liver enzymes when she had her bloodwork done (which was every 6 month)

At the age of 10 her liver gave out & we had to make the decision to put her down....It had to be the hardest decision to ever have to make

So after months of mourning we decided to adopt a rescues instead of going back to the breeder. We adopted 2 Coon hounds which people think are Doberman's that are uncropped/docked.

Although 3 years has passed I still cry almost every day & would give my right arm to have my Sasha back!
She was so smart & quite the actress & knew so many commands, she understood the biggest vocabulary of any dog I have ever known.

My husband made many funny videos of her during the 10 years of her life & did voice-overs to the videos...he made her have somewhat of a manly voice as she was a very dominant dog & I refused to do voices on video
So she is kinda immortalized (if thats the right word) on Youtube under Sasha the Doberman.

I try to watch the videos, but wind up crying & being more depressed
Don't get me wrong I LOVE Buddy & Jolie (our 2 hounds) & they are absolutely GREAT w/ the chickens...we don't ever let the girls free-range w/o the dogs out as they (especially Buddy) watch the sky for hawks...but I know Sasha would have been great w/ them also she was always like a Momma to any animal smaller than her & was great w/ our caged birds.

I will subscribe to this thread & look forward to having a good cry looking at other peoples Dobe's...maybe someday we will have another one

Here are some pictures I have on my laptop of my Sasha....hope you enjoy!

R.I.P. ~Sasha~ I will always love & miss you my boo boo girl!
Sasha laying by pellet stove waiting for Daddy to get home from work.
Sasha & her friend Smokey
Sasha at Easter w/ her bunny ears on guarding her eggs LOL
Sasha guarding the deck

Sorry. From what I read it sounds like Sasha was a brilliant dog, Sorry for your loss
A couple of years back we got a Doberman from a breeder and she was from winning good lines. On her B-day when she was 1 she got run over, my dad shouted to me don't look, but I did...It was horrifying to see... I could not describe it. And I ran across the lane crying
I now your pain, RIP Sally
Thank you so very much terrilhb...I truly appreciate it...I have known of the Rainbow Bridge but I was sent one that was even better & know I can't find it
When I do I will post back to this thread as it truly made me feel better & was very well written. Thanks again & God Bless!

That is the most terrible thing ever
I got a horrible picture of it in my head now
I am so sorry R.I.P. Sally & I hope she has met my Sasha up there

J's Orpingtons :

Hens & Hounds :

OMG! This thread is going to make me cry!
I miss my Sasha soooooo much!
She was a large boned euro Dobe purchased from a Kimbertal breeder for $2,000. & at the age of 2 was diagnosed w/ hypothyroidism so she was on meds for the rest of her life.
This made her be overweight also. Always had very high liver enzymes when she had her bloodwork done (which was every 6 month)

At the age of 10 her liver gave out & we had to make the decision to put her down....It had to be the hardest decision to ever have to make

So after months of mourning we decided to adopt a rescues instead of going back to the breeder. We adopted 2 Coon hounds which people think are Doberman's that are uncropped/docked.

Although 3 years has passed I still cry almost every day & would give my right arm to have my Sasha back!
She was so smart & quite the actress & knew so many commands, she understood the biggest vocabulary of any dog I have ever known.

My husband made many funny videos of her during the 10 years of her life & did voice-overs to the videos...he made her have somewhat of a manly voice as she was a very dominant dog & I refused to do voices on video
So she is kinda immortalized (if thats the right word) on Youtube under Sasha the Doberman.

I try to watch the videos, but wind up crying & being more depressed
Don't get me wrong I LOVE Buddy & Jolie (our 2 hounds) & they are absolutely GREAT w/ the chickens...we don't ever let the girls free-range w/o the dogs out as they (especially Buddy) watch the sky for hawks...but I know Sasha would have been great w/ them also she was always like a Momma to any animal smaller than her & was great w/ our caged birds.

I will subscribe to this thread & look forward to having a good cry looking at other peoples Dobe's...maybe someday we will have another one

Here are some pictures I have on my laptop of my Sasha....hope you enjoy!

R.I.P. ~Sasha~ I will always love & miss you my boo boo girl!
Sasha laying by pellet stove waiting for Daddy to get home from work.
Sasha & her friend Smokey
Sasha at Easter w/ her bunny ears on guarding her eggs LOL
Sasha guarding the deck

Sorry. From what I read it sounds like Sasha was a brilliant dog, Sorry for your loss
A couple of years back we got a Doberman from a breeder and she was from winning good lines. On her B-day when she was 1 she got run over, my dad shouted to me don't look, but I did...It was horrifying to see... I could not describe it. And I ran across the lane crying
I now your pain, RIP Sally

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