Does a stinky egg mean it’s infertile?

A stinky egg is an egg gone bad. Remove it before it explodes and messes up the rest of the eggs. If you’re not sure which is rotten you can sniff each one to pinpoint the smell. I candle every few days to tell which are developing, so I can remove any that aren’t before they go rotten.
The rotten smell comes from eggs that are decomposing whether or not they were fertile. Candling would indicate whether or not the egg is viable. Be careful - they can explode.
Update: think it was the trash lmao. I got every egg and smelled them close up and nothing smelled like anything. So the egg feeling solid in the middle of it is good?
A stinky egg is an egg gone bad. Remove it before it explodes and messes up the rest of the eggs. If you’re not sure which is rotten you can sniff each one to pinpoint the smell. I candle every few days to tell which are developing, so I can remove any that aren’t before they go rotten.
Update: think it was the trash lmao. I got every egg and smelled them close up and nothing smelled like anything. So the egg feeling solid in the middle of it is good?

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