Does anybody else go to the Drive-In Movies?

We take the girls all summer long (it's open from May 15th--ish until Labor Day weekend).....
I love going to the drive in....
It's a 2 for one deal...
We as a whole family (4 people--me, hubby, 2 kids) can watch 2 movies (new relases too) for less than what 1 adult ticket costs to watch one movie in the theatre...
I believe it's like $4 or $5 for each adult at the drive in and kids are free under 14 or 15. They also run car load specials where it's $8 for a car/van/truck load (make it sound like I'm using a semi
We can bring our own food or get from there concession stand...Which usually the girls get 'drive-in popcorn' (which drive in popcorn by far is better than theatre popcorn...I think) but then we usually bring everything else...Even there concession stand it cheaper than the theatres.
They have a playground area for the kids to play before the movies, fields to throw balls, play frisbee, whatever you want...and they also have platforms to lay on and watch the movies outside instead of in your car...
We have at times gone early enough and even grilled out there before and made a picnic type of thing...
My kids get so excited when the drive in opens and sad when it closes for the season...They love going and if I haven't mentioned it will ask if we are going....They never ask to go to the theatres...
There is still one in Jacksonville, Fl, Blanding Blvd on the West side. Used to be 'XXX' but now shows features. Two or three screens. At least it was there 3 yrs ago when I left.

Growing up, there were at least three diff drive-ins. We would go in a carload with my Aunt Mary and her kids. Playground right in front of the screen for kids, you ran back to the car when the cartoons were over. Snacks, drinks, and a mosquito coil in the back window.


My dad was one of the projectionist at the local movie theater and drive-in. We use to go to the drive-in all the time.

We would play on the swings and slides that were set up in front of the big screen before the movie started. Best of all, all the kids were playing in their pajamas because they always fell asleep in the car before the movie was over.

Movies I recall:

The original 'Planet of the Apes' series with Roddy McDowell and Charlton Heston
Mary Poppins
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Wow - what flashbacks!

We had a great one when we lived in Ft. Myers, FL. We went to it all the time because we could take the kids and didn't worry about them bothering anyone. I really, really miss it where we are now, and would GLADLY go back if we had one. My dh has always said that if he won the lotto he would open up a drive-in here.


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