Does anybody know?


9 Years
Jan 12, 2011
Ford City, Pennsylvania
How shad tastes? I caught a NICE sized one today. Never caught or seen one, I asked somebody what it was. I thought it was like a minnow that was in some kind of necular water or something

And what is a good shad recipe?
Hmmm. Not sure. I know on the east coast shad fishing is a big deal for some. Seems like I heard that was for the roe, however. They catch some really big ones. Here in Kanas in our lakes we have a variety called gizzard shard. You rarely if ever catch one but will occasionally snag one. A one pound shad here is really big. The turn off for me is the smell - they have the most concentrated and overpowering fish smell that you cannot get off your hands. I think that's why no one (or no one I know of) eats them around these parts. But hey, bon apetit!
My grandfather used to catch shad for the roe but he would also salt them down. You can find instructions on the web for salt fish. A good recipe - breakfast of fried salt fish, corn cakes or corn bread, fried potatoes with onions, sliced tomatoes, sliced cantalope and coffee or tea. Ummmm......the country southern is coming out in me!!
In the spring, the shad runs start (when the shadblows flower - shrub/tree) in the Hudson River. The only way I have had it, is smoked. A nice apple smoke is really good. To me, they are a boney fish like a herring. I have seen them pickled and in like a sauce. The roe is also good fried.

We used to go after shad on the Columbia River.

They fight good and are tasty.

We baked them wrapped in foil on very low temps for several hours. They are bony, so baking them until the bones are soft is the easy way.

Out here they call shad "poor man's salmon".

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