Does anyone by chance know what gender these easter eggers are? The first 3 pictures in the 1st one named ruby, and the last 3 are of lola the other.

Jul 12, 2022
These are a new breed for me so I personally ally have no clue how to differentiate the sex of these two. If they are future hens or future roosters.
I noticed my Easter Egger hens were much smaller than my RIR rooster. They had a much smaller pea comb. They were always kind of smaller than my other hens as well. I hope something I said was useful!
Right now I have 2 BR's a BO and the two EE's and they ddint tell us how old they where so we assumed probably about a week or two, now they are all around the same size exept the two barred rocks who I assume are just younger, but not far off in size, and would a chicken that's a little bigger than the same breed but have the same comb look be male and female or both female. In my experience, the roo had gotten really red on the 6th or 7th week. Any ideas on if they will turn out female or any male?
Right now I have 2 BR's a BO and the two EE's and they ddint tell us how old they where so we assumed probably about a week or two, now they are all around the same size exept the two barred rocks who I assume are just younger, but not far off in size, and would a chicken that's a little bigger than the same breed but have the same comb look be male and female or both female. In my experience, the roo had gotten really red on the 6th or 7th week. Any ideas on if they will turn out female or any male?
Is the question about two chickens of different sizes but the same age and breed? I have had a some chicks of different sizes turn out male and female or both female.

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