Does anyone else weigh their Serama chicks after hatching?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 25, 2009
I haven't heard of anyone else doing this but thought I would check. I am keeping track of my chicks' initial weights (upon leaving the hatcher and going into the brooder, before they have a chance to eat/drink anything) and want to see if this correlates in any way to finished adult weight. Any other Serama breeders doing this?
Very interesting.

Unfortunately, I don't have Seramas yet. But I have noticed that Barred Rock peeps tend to weigh only about 30 grams, while an Easter Egger will weigh significantly 40 if I remember correctly...and Barred Rocks get bigger in the end.

But that's just Apples to Oranges, so I'd love to find out how it goes with Seramas.
I have before, but It never really made much sense to me.

They all weighed about the same until 2-4 months and then some grew more.
Now I weight them at 3 months, 6 months and sometime after a year or as needed.
Let me know what you find, I may try again. I wasnt the most organized about it. I did it every few weeks that I would think about it when I was messing with them and wrote it on a box lid! lol

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