Does Anyone Have One Goose For A Pet?

Hi Donna. Welcome. I'm in Virginia and have a young adult american buff who was hatched this spring with no eyes. The parents and siblings abandoned her? so " Stevia" was raised in my chick brooder with 4 chicks. She now lives in a large pen surrounded by chickens and geese but if I turn her out with the gaggle they attack her.She is very lonely and I'm currently looking for a companion/ mate for her. The general consensus from goose people on this site is that although any company is better than none she really should have another goose to bond
Not all breeds are aggressive. Check out the pilgrims, sebastapoles and American buffs. Mine have all been sweeties except when guarding their nests in spring. Keeping my eyes open for a lonely goose companion for Stevia and would appreciate it if you would pass this on. Good luck! Lori
I love to hear everyones stories. I don't want another goose or bird. I can't handle any more One poopeeeeee goose is enough for me. My Honky doesn't seem lonely, but what would a northern girl who came from Massachusetts know? Now I am a southern girl, and learning and learning all about crazy geese thanks to Y'all. All we had was cats and dogs. You love them, pet them, feed them, let them out to poop, take for walks, and they are happy. No...not a goose. Whole different anyone know if there are signs of a goose being lonely?
I love to hear everyones stories. I don't want another goose or bird. I can't handle any more One poopeeeeee goose is enough for me. My Honky doesn't seem lonely, but what would a northern girl who came from Massachusetts know? Now I am a southern girl, and learning and learning all about crazy geese thanks to Y'all. All we had was cats and dogs. You love them, pet them, feed them, let them out to poop, take for walks, and they are happy. No...not a goose. Whole different anyone know if there are signs of a goose being lonely?
Hi Lori Stetson,
How do you know that your Stevia is lonely? What are the signs? Hope you find Stevia a friend.
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Stevia is an unusual case. At about 4 months she started exhibiting some really bizarre behaviors such as screaming frantically and circling the pen and ramming into the sides hard enough to knock herself out. She would do this many times daily and it didnt seem to matter whether the other geese were far away or right next to her pen. After talking at length with another byc member who has a blind goose (,thanks Iain), I moved her to a pen where she's always surrounded by other birds and activity. Stevia has become much more responsive but still shows some pretty major behavioral abnormalities. They seem to be less frequent when i have time to carry her around with me. She'll even have her fits in the kiddie pool but if I hold her close she settles down like an autistic child in a swaddling blanket. Not an easy move with a 15lb wet panicked goose. Long story short - I do think that she has some neurological problems but the fact that she is markedly less depressed and more responsive with these changes tells me that a constant companion would help her even more. She eats some again on her own but has a much better appetite when i've spent time with her. Geese are not designed to be solitary animals.
I have 1 goose named Toulouse. She is actually a "rescue". The man who had her let her grow in a dang cage so she has cage marks embedded into her wings!!! I do have other birds, 10 ducks, 24 chickens/roosters and 4 guineas and I grew up with birds. So I have been around them pretty much all my life. I was furious when I saw how Toulouse was being treated! But she has all the room she could want here :)
I have 1 goose named Toulouse. She is actually a "rescue". The man who had her let her grow in a dang cage so she has cage marks embedded into her wings!!! I do have other birds, 10 ducks, 24 chickens/roosters and 4 guineas and I grew up with birds. So I have been around them pretty much all my life. I was furious when I saw how Toulouse was being treated! But she has all the room she could want here
Bless you for rescuing her, how awful. How does she get along with the rest of the flock of animals you have?
Oh Toulouse does wonderful! She took to our Ancona Duckling right away and now they are best friends. None of my birds even pay attention to our goats and pig. I don't let the dogs out while my birds are free ranging just to be safe. But all my birds get along just perfect, it seems I got lucky in that department. I haven't once had a problem introducing a new bird.

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