Does anyone have only ONE breed?

We entered the chicken world in May with ten golden comets. They were suggested to me because of being gentle...good chickens for first timers. I love them all! I do envy my daughter-in-law who has seven and all different breeds because that's fun. But she envíes me because I can cuddle all of mine. They are such great birds! AND they are egg laying machines! We get 10 eggs almost every day and most of them are jumbo size.
Just wondering if anyone only has one or even 2 breeds of chicken? Seems like most people have as many different breeds as they have space for. (Not "judging", I am all about everyone doing what THEY want to do!) I'm just curious is all. :)

My wife’s uncle has all RIR. RIR are some of my favorite chickens in our flock, but seeing his all one breed is simultaneously neat and boring. 😁
Just wondering if anyone only has one or even 2 breeds of chicken? Seems like most people have as many different breeds as they have space for. (Not "judging", I am all about everyone doing what THEY want to do!) I'm just curious is all. :)
We just have 6 Buff Orpington. We decided on the Orp. breed because they are cold hardy for New England, good egg layers, friend and docile with our grandchildren. Because this is our first year of chickenry, we wanted to keep it simple. Some breeds require more care than others like some of the ornamental breeds.
Just wondering if anyone only has one or even 2 breeds of chicken? Seems like most people have as many different breeds as they have space for. (Not "judging", I am all about everyone doing what THEY want to do!) I'm just curious is all. :)
Right now I have 2 breeds, ISA brown and Welsummer. I chose them for their production and temperament and general quietness. No roosters, as I don't like being woke up at odd or early hours.
I'm in the "trying out breeds" stage. It's possible that I might one day choose a breed that I like best, but I doubt it.

I’ve been trying out breeds for over ten years and I’m still enjoying it! Of course I do have the breeds I come back to time and again, but it’s always fun to try something new. I love having a rainbow of colors in my flock. Right now we have ten different breeds/ our flock of eleven. 😁

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