Does anyone know if chicken saddles prevent hawk attacks?

Is scaring away animals what they are used for?
Most people use them for protecting an over-mated hen who’s starting to get bald spots from the roosters. Some people use them as pretty outfits just because some of them are really cute. The description on the items say that they’re used to repel hawks too. But just because the description says that, doesn’t make it true. That’s why I’m here asking if anyone has used them for that purpose. They do already have a Fort Knox coop and run, but they free range a few hours a day and that’s when I worry about the hawks.
Headline pretty much sums it up. We had our first hawk yesterday- thankfully the roos and I scared it away, but I want more hawk protection! I have reflective stuff all over the yard, windmills, mirrors, and we're making a lifesize plywood bigfoot now. Do these work? Not much about the hawks in the reviews online.
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It would be cool to know if they do!
Our chickens free range several hours a day too. There are various bushes they can hide under and a picnic table. But our greatest protection comes from a promise found in Scripture, it's in Malachi 3:10, 11. We've only lost a handful of birds in 10 years due to this partnership.
Yeah I don't believe in that religious stuff, but it's cool that you do!

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