Does each hen need it's own nesting box?


Fluffy Butt Nut
10 Years
Mar 11, 2009
Long Island, NY
Hi, I am completely new to this and haven't ordered my chicks yet but I was wondering if each hen needs her own nesting box? In other words - if I get 6-8 chicks (and hopefully they all live) do I need 6-8 nesting boxes?

Thanks, howlinggood
If you give them 20 nest boxes, they're still gonna fight over their favorite one.

I would give them at least two in case one girl just can't wait any longer.
If you can have more chickens then go with 3 at least because you WILL get more chickens- lol! We built 6 nesting boxes and there is not really one that doesn't get used. I originally was planning only 12 chickens...well I sure do have more than 12 now! I am glad DH didn't have to build another set of nesting boxes-he wouldn't have been too happy.
Seems like I always have most of the eggs in one nest. I always wonder how they all get in the box. I have seen as many as three in one nest at a time.
hey,i got 7 red star chickens....but it appears only 2 are laying.....any advice?i got 2 nests.also of the seven,the 2 who we r suspecting r laying..combs r much brighter then the it possible they havent hit maturation even though they came fr the same place.In other words........what could be holding up production?lolol

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