does flax need to be ground to feed it

I am sure they would eat it whole- what I am not sure of, is the benefit. They claim humans can't use much of the flaxseed oil in unground seed. Not sure if that would be true with chickens. I grind mine (for human consumption) in a coffee grinder. Many people on here are feeding flaxseed- I am sure someone will chime in.
Yes, you should. But grind it as you need it. Whole seed keeps for a while but ground feed spoils very quickly. Flax needs superior storage to avoid moisture getting to it. Be *very* sure it is not old seed, it could be spoiled already. I have heard that here are tiny amounts of cyanide in flax, which is released by moisture. It is certainly a good source of Omega 3 and I use it when I can get local flax for a reasonable source.
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If you're going to eat it, yes. For your chickens--no it'll last better unground and the grit in their gizzards will do the job.

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