Does medicated feed always prevent coccidia???


In the Brooder
Jul 31, 2015
I have 6 buff orphs from local breeder who got from a hatchery, suppose to be all females. About 3 weeks old. I have been giving medicated starter feeder. I lost the runt who was always much smaller a couple of days ago (listless, not eating, not drinking). Now I have a second one doing the same, however still eats some but refuses to drink. I have been giving fluids by dropper ( dipping beak in water doesn't work). I added electrolytes & probiotics ( Sav-a -chick). I thought maybe this second chick had an impacted crop because he has a hard lump I feel under his neck but this could be neck bone?? It feels more pronounced than his siblings, and she is much lighter & bonier. Anyway, I don't want to lose any more chicks. I read online that if a hatchery gives the vaccine for coccidia at one day old then giving starter feeder will negate the effects of the medication in the starter feeder?? The breeder I bought from told me to use medicated feeder, so maybe he doesn't know. I'm at the point that I am thinking about getting some Corid & give to all the chicks. Is this a good idea or overkill? If I give Corid, do I need to stop the medicated feed & place on unmedicated feed? At Tractor Supply, they say the Corid is for calves. How do I know how much to give to chicks? Please help, I am new at this!
If you suspect coccidiosis, medicated feed will not prevent it, especially if they are showing symptoms (lethargy, poor appetite, standing puffed up, ruffled feathers, and diarrhea or blood in poop.) Corid (amprollium) a cattle and hog medicine is the best treatment for cocci. Dosage is 2 tsp of the liquid Corid, or 1.5 tsp of the powder Corid per gallon of water for 5-7 days. Treat all chicks at once, and afterward give them several days worth of vitamins and probiotics to get back to normal. For a very weak chick, you can give some undiluted Corid 1-2 drops a couple of times daily by mouth. 1.5 tsp of the powder in 2 tsp water equals the liquid undiluted Corid.

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