Does messy mean...?


One of the Shire-folk
15 Years
Apr 14, 2009
When people say their ducks are "messy" do they mean they get their waterer all gunky or that they drench everything around the waterer or both?
Probably a silly question...but....
They do make their water gunky, as wells as spilling water. They poop everywhere, and even in their food. Basically they are VERY messy (Interested in everything. When I come inside the duck house they run away from me, knocking over ALL their food bowls), but I LOVE them... So it makes up for it!

Also, I have to clean their pool every other day... Other wise it's scary to clean!

Haha! I know - I almost love them without even having any! So they poo more than chickens?

If I was trying to keep two or three in with the chickens, what would be the main thing that would be different/that I would need to change or add?
I thought about keeping my ducks with my chickens but after having them for the last 3 weeks, I've changed my mind.
I clean out the duckling brooder box every day because of the mess they make, not only with water, but with poo too. Which I don't know if mine are just talented but they can actually arch the poo coming out and shoot it half way up the wall. The also love to make mush out of their food and the water is absolutely disgusting by morning. Luckily for me the weather has been very nice (80+ degrees) so they spend the day outside and I have plenty of time to clean up the box and they have a whole yard to make their messes in.
When we get the chicken coop done, we are going to start on the duck coop. A place lower to the ground and closer to water.
Yup, they poo more than chickens

Main thing to change would be a pool. Ducks need access to swimming water 24/7 (Mine have a kiddy pool). I'm also not sure what you feed your chickens, but it's possible they could need different food, too. Aside from that, just make sure they get along, and have some areas to get out of the weather (Like a doghouse... Mine go in there to sleep

I know you'll love them!

Moments like these are my favorites!
It is the water mixed with all that poo that makes such a big mess. You really have to love them! But if you are an animal person, you will find ducks are very easy to love. I have and Indian Runner that has been ill. Tonight she was on my lap on a towel while I watched TV. She was cuddling, and loves to have her neck rubbed. I have kept her away from the other ducks because she is ill, ducks are very social, and I am her buddy now.
and not only do they poo more than they eat, get water everywhere, poo in their water etc.... their poo is diarrhea and that's the way it's supose to be. It isn't thick like chicken poo it's SUPER runny
Although the pond water once they've used it for a few days is the best ever for watering a garden
When people tried explaining to me that ducks are messy...I just thought I'd have to clean the brooder out more. I had no idea what I was in for. The ducks play in their water....they fling the water with their beaks and splash the shavings, sides of tub and each other. They poo a lot. It is watery...they step in it pushing it into the shavings, making a compact surface in a matter of hours. The brooder we have for 12 ducks is big...a 110 gal horse trough. There is plenty of space, yet they get every bit of it wet. I can't even clean it because the smell triggers my gag reflex like nothing I've encountered before it! I have DH do it. We clean it every 2 days. If you don't stay on top of it, it will get rank! Also, the ducks seem to grow by drinking water. They really don't seem to eat much. Drink a lot, poo a lot.

People keep telling me that once the ducks are outside, I'll be very happy with them. I can't wait for that day.

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