Does my baby chick have Coccidiosis??????? HELP!!!!

Sorry about your little one
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I am so sorry that you lost this little one...get the Corid and start treatment. Chickens, being prey animals, will not show signs/symptoms of illness until they are very sick. Start it now. Clean and disinfect everything.
I always use the powder from tsc. It's 20%. No matter which one you get, someone will be able to help you calculate the correct dosage. Most of them are already on here in some of the threads.
Okay. Heading to TSC to pick some up...

I called and they only have the can I dilute that? My chicks are only 2-4 weeks old...

Or actually...should I just get them medicated feed??? One chick definitely has stunted growth but all others seem fine...and they are all eating...
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Sorry she passed. But you have to clean out all their bedding, disinfect and treat them all with Corid. If it was coccidiosis, it's contagious and they've all been exposed. Good luck!
This is exactly what I would do to be on the safe side. Not saying that's for sure what she had but if it was you could loose a lot of them. It's deadly and it moves fast but often you don't see signs until they are very ill with it and by that time it's often too late to save them. That's why, if you even suspect it may be coccidiosis, it's best to give a 5 to 7 day treatment just to cover that base. It certainly does no harm even if they don't have it but if they do you can easily save the whole batch of them.

Look for Corid at your feed store. Around here the 20% water soluble powder seems easiest to find, it's labeled for calves. You mix 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of water for 5 to 7 days. Make new solution every day. Also comes in a liquid, I don't have the dosage for that.
Chicks acting off balance, help please! My bantam silkie and polish chicks are 12 days old, I incubated them myself (shipped eggs) and don't have any other birds nearby. About 3 days ago I found one in the middle of the night wheeling around in circles on its wing as his leg was paralyzed at the moment, toes on one leg curled in. Lasted about 3 minutes and back to normal. Found another doing the same thing a couple days ago for 5 min, back to normal. A third bird did this same thing today. I have not seen that first bird do that again, was only one time and only twice have I seen the second bird drag his wing around. They all are eating, playing, pooping, drinking and acting very normal. I can't figure out what's wrong and don't want to wake up to find them dead so I started treating for coccidiosis. 2 tsp (10ML) per gallon of water for 5-7 days. I'm still using the medicated chick feed unless I shouldn't? I've taken all other precautions with maintaining a clean brooder with a thermometer inside for the correct temp. What else could it be? Aren't they too young for Mareks? Also I tried oregano, apple cider vinegar and garlic which may or May not be helping (I removed the ACV when replying with corid today). PS they have not been vaccinated for anything. Please help!

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