Does my Billie have bumble foot or is it just a callus? PICS

My hen had it for quite some time and just the other night, I cut it again and FINALLY the plug came out.
GBF---you can do it. You may get queasy (like me) but you know it needs to be done. My hen is finally walking around with just a slight limp. I know I did the right thing. Just like speckledhen said. Cut it out, soak it, clean it and wrap it. I did soak a bit before trying to cut it out and it did better for me. It was swelling between her toes too. Poor thing was in pain but happy now.
If this is a very beloved chicken, I would take it to the vet for some Rx antibiotics topically at least. If you want to be absolutely sure and you can afford it, I would go to the vet for this.
Im not sure about mine, 1 day post op, the feel dont look good, but she had some extensive ribboning of the staph into the pad and I pulled it out, which took time.
That advice from, I dont know who but thatnks, to lay the chicken down and cover their head, worked perfectly. I had her wrapped in a towel and it seemed to hurt her here and there but I was spraying with bactine which has pain killer in it.
Anyway, its only been one day and the rest are OK...she is in the basement in a holding cage, bandaged with some vitamin water and food.
Im worried about the staph spreading because she did bleed.
and Im wondering about giving her antibiotics. I have some coming from Randall Burkey...but people seem to feel like alot of these infections are resistant.
Ihope your girl is OK. Mine is a survivor of a horrible virus that gave her a crook neck and made her really sick. I nursed her and she has lived to have many children this spring...but she sometimes walks backwards in a circle! its usually when she thinks about doing something, like I tell them to go in the barn, and she is the last and Im putting pressure on her to get in...she starts to go in a circle backwards;-)...its some neuro leftover from the virus...otherwise she is healthy; until this!

Your's looks like straigt up bumble caught early and it does look like the plug, or part of it, is gone....but she needs soaks and maybe antibiotics beyond what you might have on hand.
I heard that Rx bactroban was great for this...and that pennicillin is good...but it can cause it to become resistant.
I dont know what to think.
Its raining so much here in CT that its hard to get anything done, much less keep the place clean and running!
Good luck with your girl! Be careful of the staph for yourself. use gloves and change clothes when treating etc...betadine wash and all.
I heard that if the entire ribbon of dried up staph isnt gotten out, it will come back. I dont know.
Ditto going to the vet (specially for meds) > I question the wisdom of having/packing iodine in/on the open wound for so long .
I know that a compounded (this means pharmacist mix two drugs together) mixture of DMSO (this is a substance to make the other drug be absorbed deeper) and penicillin is very effective (injected at the site or topically on the wound after removing the abscessed material) is advised in the veterinary literature and is reported to be effective.
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thought I should give you an update on Billie....I soaked her foot..and kept soaking it until the "scab" was soft and changed color. I then (with gloves on) picked the scab off. There was more blood then I thought there would be. I rinsed it off, and soaked it again. Then put neosporin on it, wrapped it in bandaids, and kept her inside. I soaked and treated her foot for 2 days and I think we got really lucky. I think I got it really early. There wasnt any puss, no core, just the scab, and blood under it. She went back to the flock today, and her foot looks almost as iff it never happened.

Thank you all for the great advice!!!

Glad to hear it. Sorry it took so long for me to get back to this thread. Emzyyy, they can get an abrasion on the foot and since there is staph everywhere, they pick it up and it "blooms" into bumblefoot. Chicken feet are not as tough as most people think.
Vetwrap works beautifully - sticks to itself and nothing else. I cut it into thin strips and wrap beween the toes and around the ankle.
I know this is resolved, but I have a question that I thought would be better to post at the end of this thread rather than start another one, in case the answer is important to anyone who finds this thread in a search someday....

Cocosandy, you said you used bactine to kill the pain. What is in bactine that kills pain? It's my understanding that anything with one of the --caines in it can be very bad for chickens. I'm guessing it must be something else, but I was wondering if you knew?
Benzocaine is to be avoided, as you know (lethal)

Bactine, by Bayer is I think a corticosteroid

Hm- contains lidocaine

Perhaps at base of feet there is less absorption

Bactine is the trademarked name of a range of topical first-aid treatments produced by Bayer. It includes a first aid liquid with active ingredients Benzalkonium chloride, an antiseptic, and lidocaine, a local anaesthetic. Bactine Liquid is a topical anesthetic (a type of local anesthetic), which means that it is used to numb the surface of a body part. Bactine can also help with infections.

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