Does my Billie have bumble foot or is it just a callus? PICS

Uikes you were lucky! I would not use that product again.... just not worth the risk.
Thanks for checking this. I'm remembering one thread where one of the mods used neosporin with pain relief on her rooster's comb, and it killed him. I'm guessing that the large blood supply to the comb delivered a huge dose, even though it was topical. The feet are probably much less vascular, so that's why it didn't cause the same problems when used during the bumblefoot surgery. I would probably still avoid it, if possible, since it's lidocaine.
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No, that was not neosporin. The pain relief in that is praxamine-something and won't hurt the birds that I'm aware of. It was TriCare Wound Ointment for animals, carried by many feedstores, that was the suspected culprit.
Thanks for clarifying this. When I googled TriCare Wound Ointment, your thread on this was the first thing to pop up. So, it's benzocaine that we should avoid. Do you know if other --caines pose the same threat?
I believe in the studies, it says all the "caine" pain relievers can be detrimental to avian species. dhlunicorn has the data on that, I know. Some folks have applied them without issues, however, it may be where it was applied that made the difference, or that particular bird's lessened sensitivity to them. In any case, I'd say probably not worth the risk to use them.
Okay, so I'd avoid the Bactine, too, on account of the lidocaine. Neosporin with pain reliever isn't a --caine, it's pramoxine hydrochloride, so we can use that. Got it! Thanks!
I have a question, when it comes to bumblefoot, does the bird always limp so you can tell there is a problem and look at the foot? Or do you periodically have to just check their feet to eliminate a potential bumblefoot problem?
Just trying to be cautious here, I know, my questions can cause more problems then necessary, I'm complicated.....but I wanna know! I always need DETAILS...Thank you for any insight...
I went back and reread that - thanks Orpington, she was lucky to catch that! Sometimes you have to grab a chicken and do a look over....

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