does my chicken have worms or anemia?


In the Brooder
Aug 12, 2019
This morning when I went to go check on my chickens, I noticed my chicken, Gertrude, would not leave her coup. My other chicken ran out right away. Gertrude also suddenly has a very light pink waddle, and comb, and has lost a few pounds. She has also struggled with pooping all over her feathers which we have been cleaning once a month with water and Epson salt. Lastly when I went to give them blueberries a few hours later, my one chicken Aurora ate them all, but Gertrude did not seem to even notice them.

I did some research and I have mainly found that she might have anemia, worms, a different parasite, or all of the above. Is it something else or one of these things. Also what should we do if she has any of these things.
Do you have a vet who could check some droppings from your chicken for worms and other parasites? How old is Gertrude and has she been laying eggs recently? Has she lost weight, or does she have a swollen lower belly down between her legs? How does her crop feel—empty and flat, full and puffy or hard? Is she eating today?

Some hens can suffer from reproductive problems such as internal laying, egg yolk peritonitis, can cer and others. Crop disorders where they may have an impacted or sour crop, are also common. Pale combs and wattles can be a sign that she is not laying eggs, that she is molting or regrowing feathers, or that she is anemic. Look her over for any lice or mites under her vent and belly. If you want to worm her, get some SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer at a feed store, and give her 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) per pound of weight once in her beak and again in 10 days. Some more serious worms can be treated with 5 straight days of SafeGuard.
Do you have a vet who could check some droppings from your chicken for worms and other parasites? How old is Gertrude and has she been laying eggs recently? Has she lost weight, or does she have a swollen lower belly down between her legs? How does her crop feel—empty and flat, full and puffy or hard? Is she eating today?

Some hens can suffer from reproductive problems such as internal laying, egg yolk peritonitis, can cer and others. Crop disorders where they may have an impacted or sour crop, are also common. Pale combs and wattles can be a sign that she is not laying eggs, that she is molting or regrowing feathers, or that she is anemic. Look her over for any lice or mites under her vent and belly. If you want to worm her, get some SafeGuard Liquid Goat Wormer at a feed store, and give her 0.25 ml (1/4 ml) per pound of weight once in her beak and again in 10 days. Some more serious worms can be treated with 5 straight days of SafeGuard.

I have a vet friend who told us to give her some worm medicine. Gertrude is almost three, and stopped laying eggs several months ago. Her crop feels normal, and I have not checked for lice yet. she has lost a bit of weight, but has no swollen belly.

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