Does my hen have a broken toe? Help

Bird is the word

Sep 23, 2022
Bird world
I realized a few days ago that one of my hens ( Plymouth Rock named Socks ) wasn't moving as usual at first I thought she was sick because she hasn't been laying for a long time but then I realized one of her toes looked messed up I think she broke it and also infected it she eats and drinks and everything she just moves slower I don't have any exotics vets around or and poultry vets and no one excepts chickens what should I do? The pictures aren't very clear I will try to get better ones later but the foot is the one on the left middle toes
I know I have been planning to do it but I have been so busy lately
totally understand. it's that time of year. you have all sorts of yard work, not to mention harvest (if you have a garden). then there's halloween coming up. that's a handful in and of itself. not to mention anything else you personally have to deal with!
totally understand. it's that time of year. you have all sorts of yard work, not to mention harvest (if you have a garden). then there's halloween coming up. that's a handful in and of itself. not to mention anything else you personally have to deal with!
Thank you for understanding, what do you think I should do about my hens toe
wow! you so need to have those two toes clipped. that's unconfortable for your poor hen!
the one on the far left looks to me like it's broken off, or came off. I once had a hen's toenail come off from scaly leg mites. don't know if it's a common thing or not with those mites.
@Shadrach ? @Isadora?
Thanks for tagging me, but I have very little experience with injuries/illness.
@Bird is the word Definitely get a closer picture of the toe, that way people that are more knowledgable can help you out.
@Wyorp Rock @azygous
Can you help?
I assume you mean the foot on our left, not the hen's left foot. Correct?

The right foot, appears curled and the middle toe a bit swollen. I see some bruising of scales indicating possible injury. The others have pointed out the long nails. When they start to curl like that, it can cause walking problems and especially issues when trying to roost. So move the task of trimming those nails up to the top of your to-do list.

Soaking the foot in warm Epsom salts can help with the swelling. Closed wounds rarely get infected, so that probably isn't an issue at this time. Soaking can improve blood circulations and i would do it once a day for fifteen minutes for two or three days.

If the toe is broken, it will heal. There is no way to set or splint a toe on a chicken. I doubt it's broken, though.

Pay close attention to her scales. If they appear to be separating from her shank and lifting up, it might be an early warning of scaly leg mites. You can get ahead of this by smearing Vaseline or castor oil on her legs and feet after she dries off following her soaks.

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