does My Pet Chicken send shipment confirmation and tracking numbers?

@Beriel79 yeah.. I'm 100% now I'm not getting them today :/
I'm pretty sure mine's just sitting in a major PO hub really close by

I'm really hoping all of our chicks are alive tomorrow... TT__TT positive thoughts!!!
I got mine too!! The PO called me at 10pm and I was able to go right down and get them. All 10 are very healthy, happy and full of it. :)



Aww man! I'm glad everything turned out great ^___^ they're so cute!

Did your shipping info get updated and everything?
Okay so my shipping info just updated... They've been in St. Louis since FOUR PM at the sorting facility... which was open until 8.

I really wish they thought to call me... or at least update my shipping info.

For some reason, I saw that all the post offices were closed (around 7 PM). I'm really depressed thinking about those chicks staying there overnight and dying because I failed to find the right office...

Edit: OMG. I just checked my phone history and apparently I did call them around 7 PM (I tried all the major POs). No one picked up.
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My shipping info didn't get updated until I was driving home with them.

I ended up calling the main sorting facility in my area yesterday (not my local sorting facility) to ask if they had seen my chicks. They didn't have them yet but said they get the last truck in around 9pm. They were so nice and called me at 9:45 saying they were in. They gave me specific instructions to go to the employee entrance and call a cell phone number for one of the workers. He opened the door for me and gave me my chicks! The employees were wonderful!! So nice.

Mine would have sat there all night until 4am when they would have been delivered to my local sorting center. It's a good thing too...3 of them had poopy butts. Very glad to have them home. They're all doing awesome today!

@solomine , I really hope you get yours this morning! Please post a pic when you do!
Still waiting! No shipping update. Called the main post office multiple times with no answer. I'm pretty sure they listed the wrong number which is pretty bad because this is the number that I've seen on every single website with their address so far.

I called USPS's 1800 number and they couldn't do anything about it except refer me to their customer service in St. Louis. He said that it was very odd that they didn't wind up at my local PO before closing. Called USPS customer service for St. Louis and no answer!

My local post office doesn't open until 9AM.

I really have no idea what's going on lol. If they're dead, I'm raising hell.
Got a call from the PO this morning at 6AM on my way to work and they have the chicks! Had to talk my boss into flexing some time out so I can go get them and make sure they are situated in their new home.
Mine are alive!

But I don't have them yet.

So, after calling my local PO and dealing with a rather nasty worker ("The mail isn't sorted yet." *click* ~dialtone~), I tried to find other numbers associated with the main office because that was the last location my tracker had.

I finally was able to reach a supervisor in the main office. I don't understand why on earth they don't answer their main line. What's the point of having a phone number? It wasn't like I called and hung up on them after a couple rings--I called at all sorts of hours and rang and waited until I hit their "answering machine" (they didn't have one set up so I couldn't leave a message).

Anyhow, she called my local PO and she said the supervisor there looked in the box and they looked lively (peeping and all). I've never been so relieved (that supervisor I talked to was WONDERFUL.)

I'm still curious as to why they (my local PO) did not call me the instant I got those chicks. I even called them beforehand (and two days of constant reminding) to make sure of it.

I'm gonna go pick them up in about an hour. This has been a terribly frustrating experience with USPS, not MPC (I was worried SICK yesterday and could NOT concentrate on a very important project), but I don't think I deserve to be mopey about it because they found my chicks (and they seem to be in good health). It was also kind of my fault for not finding the supervisor's phone earlier, but I'm comforting myself with the thought that I tried almost everything yesterday. I just felt so helpless the entire time!
YEs, this thing with the phone in Post Offices. I had exactly the same experience. Could NOT get anybody to answer the dang phone. I think they just unplug it. In the end I found a number that was listed on a reviews website of this particular PO and the person posting there had t he same problem and posted the direct number of the supervisor. Then I finally go through.

I don't think you need to blame yourself. At least your babies are there and alive. Make sure you give them some extra electrolytes or sugar in their water to bring them back up to strength after their long voyage.

But now, of course, first thing after you're back from the PO, we need pictures! Those babies aren't real if we don't see the evidence.
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They're all peeping and wandering around. They've gulped down a lot of water and are trying out the starter feed!
None of them had pasty butt and they've all pooped so far.

Whenever they get too loud, I just shove them under the brooder lol. They'd disappear for like five minutes and then come out to play.
Good right?

Obligatory pictures:

Left: Buff Brahma; Right: Mottled Cochin

Easter Eggers! Left: very photogenic chick who likes to pose, Right: a cuddler, Both: I'm super excited how they'll turn out!

Little black silkie

Group shots (Left: silkie + cochin)

And my cute dog who looked confused the whole time (where's that peeping coming from?)

The silkie and the cinnamon-y easter egger are the smallest of the bunch. I was so surprised to see how small banty chicks were! How cute =D

Apparently the PO did try to call me at 4AM and 9AM and tried to leave me voice mail. I didn't receive a single call :/
BUT I'm just glad they're all alive~

Thanks fiddle! I'll do that immediately.
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