Does our feed have hormones?

And herein lies the danger. Someone tells you something, that is absolutely positively untrue, and you just blindly believe it, without doing any research on your own.

I certainly hope you will correct your information.

I hope you weren't calling me the blind one! Now there's the wrong information!!

Did you not believe that big chicken growers add hormones in the feed? You said "thats what I thought and thats what I told him".
I believe chickens are not given hormones, but I would not put any stock in the FDA. And you all call the med student indoctrinated! Is rBSt not a hormone given to dairy cows?? Oh yes, it's not for the purpose of inducing growth, just for making more milk. The statement did read not given to promote growth.
EXACTLY! You see the FDA is a poor excuse for an agency and does no better "protecting us" from "food safety risks" than before their existence when companies would put fillers in things to make products stretch longer. The only difference is that companies have paid off "experts" to exhault the safety of these company shortcuts and in some cases, owners of these corporations have been appointed to be on the board for the FDA *coughs* Monsanto *coughs*

I'm really rather surprised that the Med student would say that about the the meat safety; I thought med school was to indoctrinate people to become big-pharma pill pushers, but I guess they are actually trying to educate people now that the alternative medicine has become more popular, and the proverbial "cat is out of the bag." Now, they may not have "growth hormones," and the hormones may be less than what's naturally occurring, but they are synthetic and synthesis has no business in food consumption! They say they've done "extensive studies" however Monsanto has been caught covering up the risks of rBST and GMO crops, so I wouldn't trust ANYTHING the FDA deems "natural" or "safe." It's just buzz words that lobbyists have fought tooth and and nail to have the definitions changed to allow things that would prior be deemed "artificial." Thankfully they haven't perverted the "USDA Organic" label to terribly much.
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Most commercial feeds contain soy proteins that can enhance an animal's natural hormone production to elevated levels which can induce these animals to reach sexual maturity more quickly and produce more heavily than they would if not given these proteins. Shaklee's soap was originally just soy proteins given to turkeys and cattle in Europe for this very reason. It was found they put on more weight at a more rapid rate when fed certain soy proteins. The reason for the gain was increased hormones involved in sexual maturity.

I don't know believe these soy proteins could taint garden soils but it has been proven in studies that increased hormone levels~related to soy additives~ in the meats we consume can augment our own levels of these same hormones.
rBSt (Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin) is not a steroid hormone (promotes growth), but a synthesized (recombinant) version of a naturally occurring protein hormone (somatotropin) that Monsanto created to increase milk yield by preventing mammary cell death in dairy cattle.

For what it's worth, I can't stand Monsanto and their lobbyists and do not drink rBSt milk. Then again, I'm not much of a milk drinker to begin with.
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It should also be noted that most commercial feed contains GMO or GE seeds. There is much evidence that suggests that contrary to what the FDA says, GMO crops are NOT the same as their organic counterparts and do NOT always react the same way either. I would be interested to find out if the feed they used for that study was GM or normal. I know I personally would not want to knowingly eat GM crops because if they are "round-up ready" then you can guarantee that they have been dowsed in glyphosate, and if they are BT, then those crops secrete BT and you or the animals are eating that pesticide! I do know that too much soy can affect the estrogen production of creatures because I had to stop drinking soy milk for that very reason. It affected my personality after awhile and gave me terrible mood swings. It was like I was menstruating, but I'm a guy. lol I would not be worried about the soil being tainted as long as the feed is non-GMO. It might not have a significant impact on the soil, but I personally would not want to use it.
You are entirely wrong in that statement. If you edit away your post I will take reference to it out of mine.

oh! BURN!
BT is used in Organic Crop Production via direct application to control pests too. The use of BT technology has improved the safety of the environment with the dramatic reduction in the use of Organophosphates traditionally used to prevent pest damage, this has also improved the safety for the American Farmer who no longer has to use the toxic pesticides to protect his crop.

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