Does the drained fermented liquid contain vitamins and minerals?


In the Brooder
Apr 30, 2020
I ferment the store bought organic mixture of cracked grains and pellets( limestone, meat meal vitamins and minerals) and a few days later, the drained liquid,especially after reusing it, becomes gooey and mushy. I wonder if this liquid has concentration of nutrients like vitamins, proteins and minerals which discarding after so many times of reusing, might be a valuable wast. I tried to give this mushy liquid to my hens but they hated it. Does anybody know about the drained liquid and what to do with it? Thanks.
It is mostly starch. It also contains some of the anti-nutritional factors that fermenting removes from the feed, so the hens' instincts are good.
But one person's trash is another's treasure of course, and apparently that gooey liquor makes quite good plant food. :)

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