Does the Roo work all the girls???


12 Years
May 26, 2007
Hi everyone-

Maybe a silly question.........

Got a Roo about a month and a half ago. I have seen chicken action out in the run.
He has 10 girls with him. I don't see A LOT of action tho, but then again I am not staring at them 24/7

I am starting to collect eggs today. (we want to hatch!!)

Since my girls are not sitting and doing the job, I guess we have to.

1. Can I assume he is working all of the girls??? should they all be fertile???

2. how many should I collect and stick in the bator to increase our hatch rate?

3. BIG ???- How many days do I leave the eggs sit and wait at room temp. before I start incubating them???
and then after how many days can I candle to see if there is anything cookin????

Thanks everyone........can't wait to have more!!!
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I'm sure he'll get around to everyone.

I have 9 hens and 1 rooster. He, um, "has" them all.

Although any rooster will have his "favorite", he, generally speaking, gets around to everyone. I know which is his favorite by the feathers, or lack thereof, on her back. But all the girls are missing some. Maybe my guy is more rambunctious than most, I don't know. But I suspect he's normal, and the recommended hen to rooster ratio is 10:1.

OK, thanks Ma!
If you dont mind me asking also, where are they missing feathers??
I'm not sure if they are starting to molt or its from our Roo......but there missing feathers on the lower part of their backs and around the base of the tail feathers. Is that from the Roo or more likely the start of a molt??
The missing feathers are right straight across their backs or between the shoulders (wings). They are not so much missing, as shredded.

Look up "Chicken Saddles" and you will get some good photos and examples of Roo damage.

I, in fact, am ordering two saddles for my Roos favorite two girls.

Wow, thanks sooooo much eveyone!!!!

I had Nooooo idea that the Roo can do his business and the hen will lay fertilized eggs for up to 2 weeks!!! Is that right??? or did I misunderstand. If that is correct..........then that is VERY COOL!!!!

Thanks again
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