Does this look like an americauna chick?


In the Brooder
Apr 25, 2017
I'm a newbie and bought this chick that's supposed to be an americauna. Are there all yellow americauna chicks? There were several different colors but only 2 or 3 all yellow chicks


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It will be REALLY hard to tell until they start laying. True Ameraucanas lay blue eggs while other EEs are any hens that lay eggs in colors like green, olive, and light blue. I've also seen rather tan pictures Ameraucanas before, though.
It will be REALLY hard to tell until they start laying. True Ameraucanas lay blue eggs while other EEs are any hens that lay eggs in colors like green, olive, and light blue. I've also seen rather tan pictures Ameraucanas before, though.
I have EEs that lay true blue eggs. There are specific feather and shank colors with the Ameraucana that fit a specific standard.

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