Does this look more like Marek’s or a vitamin deficiency?

Ugh.. I wish I could give you a straight answer.. She is definitely aged. Marek's can only be verified via necropsy or a blood test. :barnie

At her age.. I personally would euthanize instead of watching her go down hill slowly.. You've done all you can, in my honest opinion.

BUT if seeing the vet will give you peace of mind on what decision to make going forward and NOT break the bank.. and MAYBE do something for her.. I spent $1000 several months back to confirm prognosis which I had already assessed.. my dogs life had ran it's course (age, cancer symptoms, plus hip dysplasia/arthritis, etc).. I NEEDED a professional opinion from a veterinarian I trusted in order to relieve myself of that anguish and making the decision to have the vet stop her heart.. It still hurts.. but my friend, Daisy May lived a good life and every last moment.. I'm glad I was able to do that for her! Swallow, gulp, deeep exhale, tears flow.. :hit My mom, on the other hand.. was sedated, without food or water (no IV etc).. while her body shut down from the liver cancer last year.. what we like to call "hospice".. and humane.. In other words.. all life ends.. it's never pretty.. are you gonna be able to extend her life for her benefit and will it last long enough to face this again? I'm a TOTAL "Debbie Downer" realist.. so please do in accordance with YOUR heart and mind! This is my answer regarding PETS. I'd be surprised if you get answers, short of necropsy/blood test. BUT always hopeful, some vets really rock! I've shown clearly, thankfully, I do NOT know everything!

I breed my birds, so I won't keep an animal that is not thriving under my conditions (unless changes make sense).. because it does a disservice to my entire well being (caring for failing animals is heart wrenching exhausting), my flock, etc.. inviting more internal/external parasite, disease, predation.. and so on..

Folks like to point fingers at big dairy and big chicken, etc.. when in truth, suffering animals are not productive and back yarder's want to save everything for as long as they possibly can.. letting it limp around and barely get by.. because we THINK that's "living" or it "wants" to live or "has the will" still.. That's supper in nature, and SOMETIMES suffering, according to ME. Again, I understand we are ALL doing our best, usually. So I'm not pointing fingers at anyone.. just sharing information!

5 years is considered a good run for an average chicken. Some live longer. Many don't!

No matter how you proceed, we are here to support you! :hugs
Thank you. I am not quite ready to give up on her yet as she is a pet and I've gotten attached to her. I just want to see if there's anything they can do to help her before I make the decision to put her down. You're right, she has lived a long time and there's a good chance she could even be older than 5 years since I got her as an full grown bird. I just hate to have that decision put in my hands. I don't want her to suffer but I also don't want to be the one who decides that it's her time to go
My suggestion is to get a food scale and start weighing her daily. Once they lose 5-10% of their body weight, tube feeding is recommended.

You can try vitamins, and I would suggest something like Rooster Booster or B complex for cattle.

You could also try de-worming, treating for coccidiosis, & antibiotics.
My suggestion is to get a food scale and start weighing her daily. Once they lose 5-10% of their body weight, tube feeding is recommended.

You can try vitamins, and I would suggest something like Rooster Booster or B complex for cattle.

You could also try de-worming, treating for coccidiosis, & antibiotics.
I've already tried vitamins, although I the vitamin b complex i am giving her is meant for people
My suggestion is to get a food scale and start weighing her daily. Once they lose 5-10% of their body weight, tube feeding is recommended.

You can try vitamins, and I would suggest something like Rooster Booster or B complex for cattle.

You could also try de-worming, treating for coccidiosis, & antibiotics.
I think if she gets to the point where she would need tube feeding it will probably be best to put her down
I've already tried vitamins, although I the vitamin b complex i am giving her is meant for people
If she has worms, coccidiosis, or bacterial infection, it's possible that they could cause a vitamin deficiency by not allowing the gut to absorb the vitamins. How does her poop look?
If she has worms, coccidiosis, or bacterial infection, it's possible that they could cause a vitamin deficiency by not allowing the gut to absorb the vitamins. How does her poop look?
That makes sense, actually. Most of the time her poop is really watery and greenish although sometimes it will be solid or brown diarrhea. I can ask the vet to check her droppings for internal parasites
I just hate to have that decision put in my hands. I don't want her to suffer but I also don't want to be the one who decides that it's her time to go
I don't THINK seizures are associated with pain usually but I'm not familiar with different types of seizures. The FEW I have seen in other animals.. muscles were engaged and stiff.. I don't think charlie horse status.. but if it last too long may be in danger of over heating essentially. Or the brain got stuck on repeat like a hiccup.

You've got the vet in your corner already, that's fantastic!

Please make a list of questions you have and symptoms plus what you've done, as it will be hard to remember when you get in there. Take notes on the answer if needed!

Consider NOW, if the vet says prognosis is poor or recommends euthanasia.. will you allow it be done at that time, schedule for a future date after you've said farewell?

Hope she pulls through and SHOWS us, Ol' lady, still got game! :fl
That makes sense, actually. Most of the time her poop is really watery and greenish although sometimes it will be solid or brown diarrhea. I can ask the vet to check her droppings for internal parasites
Have the vet check for bacteria too, it's a separate test called a "gram stain". And even if her fecal is negative, I would de-worm and treat for coccidiosis. Let me go find an article that explains why. BRB

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