Does this say what I think it says?

I guess I need to have a talk with my White Leghorn this afternoon about refraining from bleaching her eggs. And also tell my moulting Barred Rock to get back to laying, the SLACKER!
Does this mean I really CAN'T believe EVERYthing I read on the Internet???
Not a great article. Many of the things it says are completely false. And they don't really use steriods on laying hens, do they? I thought I read that hens were force-molted by something to do with lighting. ???
Read it again and spotted more inaccuracies...the free run vs free range thing is utter nonsense. I think this person must have made the whole article up from his own head.
There is a list of sources from which the author claims they got their information from. Either those sources are incorrect, or the author doesn't have good reading comprehension.
I go back to what the police capt's dippy wife had to say about brown eggs - They are "spoiled". White eggs are fresh, brown ones are overripe.

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