Dog attack now possible crop issues

She will surely get peritonitis, I would think. I don't have a lot of hope to offer you. Is there any way you can talk to a vet? That is really a terrible injury.
Unfortunately a vet is not an option for me. Can anyone offer hope of recovery from this type of injury, or should I put her down, or wait and see?
As you can see, her crop has a significant hole now. The skin I had pulled together with super glue I believe was already dead and she pecked it and pulled it off...the hole is at the top, and no food is falling out. What should I do at this point? No vet around here takes chickens...I would be willing to try to suture myself, but do not have the supplies. Suggestions for what to do please.

Had to put her down, I came to see if I could stick with cotton thread and she was eating out of her exposed crop, and within a few minutes it got pretty bad. It was the first time I had ever killed a chicken, I used the head under rake/pull on legs method and found it was much easier than I thought, it was over very quick.
Sad, my small flock of six is now down to three. I've learned a lot this first year...

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