Dog Attack


Nov 8, 2016
Oklahoma City
A Shepherd mix attacked one of my Ameraucanas on Sunday. It got her on the back of the neck at the base and her right wing. Both places have deep punctures. I applied antibiotic cream to the wounds and am giving her antibiotics in her water. She is eating and drinking today with a normal appetite. But what has me really upset is that she has no leg or wing movement. Her tail flicks back and forth out of the blue. I have her on a deep towel in a dog crate. If I don't support her from both sides she will roll onto one side or the other. Is there anything I can give her as an anti-inflammatory. I do not want to give up on her yet.
She very well could be bruised and very sore, so you will need to give her time to heal, and she may be reluctant to move for awhile.
If she's having trouble staying upright you can use a chicken sling to help. You can do a google search for lots of ideas, here is one example:

I also have used rolled up thick towels on either side, or rolled into a doughnut around them for support. Just depends on what works for her particular needs. I think meloxicam can be used for chickens but I don't know the dose and you'll need a vet to get it. I've never used it, but have heard of it being used. I would just keep the wounds clean, watch for infection, and give her some time. If she's eating and drinking well then that is a very good sign.
Give her some time. My Maran lost left leg and wing control for a deep puncture wound near her spine. It took her about a week to stand on her own... 3 weeks to go back outside to the hospital. 2 months to rejoin the gang, but she still limps. I used antibiotic ointment and honey on her back.

She turned out super gentle with me, and a real diva with the boys. She jumps on them if they dance for her.
I agree with Jessdesk, they can pull thru some critical situations if given time and TLC. I do know they can be given penicillin injections in the breast area, I had to do this with a sick hen. Also I learned it's super important they stay hydrated while healing, make sure she keeps drinking on her own. Ameraucanas are tough little birds, one of mine ingested an unknown toxin and basically went into a coma. The vet was pretty certain she would not make it, but she did! So you never know, just give her time to heal. Good luck with your girl!
A Chicken Sling! Great Idea! Right now I have towel rolls on each side of her, which makes it difficult to remove the soiled towels. It also seems to make her very uncomfortable to move her even though I try to be super gentle.
I thank you for the info!
Well, I appreciate all of the advice. I am rigging up a sling tonight. She is eating me out of house and home which is great. And keeping her hydrated hasn't been a problem. She is still the same, but am hoping for improvement soon.
She is still eating and drinking really well. She tried to fluff her wings yesterday and when I pick her up and put her feet in my palm I feel some resistance now. I'm just still really worried that there is more damage than I can see.
I gave her a nice warm bath yesterday and trimmed the feathers around her vent. It was making quite a mess. And she really enjoyed that and the blow dry afterwards.
Sounds like she is recovering nicely. If there were more serious injuries present, I don't think she would be progressing like she is. Good luck, keep us posted!

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