Dog Attack


Jun 7, 2022
Today my chickens were out like normal free ranging while I cleaned their run/coop when I spotted a dog walking into my yard. I recognized it as my next door neighbors dog who gets out once in awhile. So thinking I would just walk it back over I started herding the dog back, but I made a big mistake as my chickens where in a bush we were passing the dog caught sight of them. The chickens ran for it and the dog was close behind, it went for my astrolorp chicken (Queenie) who ran up the hill into our neighbors yard with the dog, the chase was on! so here comes a chicken, dog, and me through our neighbors yard with them sitting outside in chairs (it must have looked hilarious haha) up to a porch where the dog cornered Queenie. She went into a submission posture trying to make herself look as small as possible. I yelled at the dog making it run off and quickly scooped up my frightened fluff ball. She is fine just lost quit a few feathers and a bit scared. Thank goodness I’m quick because if I had been a minute late it could have been disastrous. The dog is back at her/his house, but I’ll have to keep in mind to put up the chickens before helping lost dogs back to their house.
Today my chickens were out like normal free ranging while I cleaned their run/coop when I spotted a dog walking into my yard. I recognized it as my next door neighbors dog who gets out once in awhile. So thinking I would just walk it back over I started herding the dog back, but I made a big mistake as my chickens where in a bush we were passing the dog caught sight of them. The chickens ran for it and the dog was close behind, it went for my astrolorp chicken (Queenie) who ran up the hill into our neighbors yard with the dog, the chase was on! so here comes a chicken, dog, and me through our neighbors yard with them sitting outside in chairs (it must have looked hilarious haha) up to a porch where the dog cornered Queenie. She went into a submission posture trying to make herself look as small as possible. I yelled at the dog making it run off and quickly scooped up my frightened fluff ball. She is fine just lost quit a few feathers and a bit scared. Thank goodness I’m quick because if I had been a minute late it could have been disastrous. The dog is back at her/his house, but I’ll have to keep in mind to put up the chickens before helping lost dogs back to their house.
Or put an electric fence up to keep dogs out.
I'm so happy to hear you managed to save her!

The dog doesn't sound lost. Sounds like it was investigating.

It also doesn't sound like you encountered any impediments on your run, so maybe consider putting a fence up?

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