Dog attacked chicken - ripped out tail feathers

@HippieAtHeart , I apologize for my curt post. I misunderstood your intentions. Everyone is giving you great advice, hope your hen pulls through. I’ve taken the same hen to the vet twice, I’m sure I’m viewed as silly. Again, I’m sorry.
So my hen made it through the night. She definitely seems sore today, which is to be expected. I put aspirin in her water to hopefully help with the pain. She hasn’t eaten as far as I can tell, but has drank some I believe. Since I’ve only had her for about a week, and in that week has been sprayed for mites and attacked by a dog, she isn’t the most trusting of me so I doubt she’d take water or food from me. I am going to scramble up an egg for her and hope she eats some. Any other advice for getting her to eat/drink?
Also I did vetericyn spray this morning and just a bit ago and will do it tonight, anything else I should do?
I got photos of it, and am not great with chicken anatomy, so any help would be appreciated. It appears to me the top of her vent was ripped off...not sure if I can do anything else?


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So my hen made it through the night. She definitely seems sore today, which is to be expected. I put aspirin in her water to hopefully help with the pain. She hasn’t eaten as far as I can tell, but has drank some I believe. Since I’ve only had her for about a week, and in that week has been sprayed for mites and attacked by a dog, she isn’t the most trusting of me so I doubt she’d take water or food from me. I am going to scramble up an egg for her and hope she eats some. Any other advice for getting her to eat/drink?
Also I did vetericyn spray this morning and just a bit ago and will do it tonight, anything else I should do?
I got photos of it, and am not great with chicken anatomy, so any help would be appreciated. It appears to me the top of her vent was ripped off...not sure if I can do anything else?
Also should I try to bathe her?
Also should I try to bathe her?
So my hen made it through the night. She definitely seems sore today, which is to be expected. I put aspirin in her water to hopefully help with the pain. She hasn’t eaten as far as I can tell, but has drank some I believe. Since I’ve only had her for about a week, and in that week has been sprayed for mites and attacked by a dog, she isn’t the most trusting of me so I doubt she’d take water or food from me. I am going to scramble up an egg for her and hope she eats some. Any other advice for getting her to eat/drink?
Also I did vetericyn spray this morning and just a bit ago and will do it tonight, anything else I should do?
I got photos of it, and am not great with chicken anatomy, so any help would be appreciated. It appears to me the top of her vent was ripped off...not sure if I can do anything else?
I would try to bathe her - rinse out the wound, clip the feathers around it. Try to get a close up of her wound so we can see what's going on.
I would go for any that are in or around the wound. You don't have to clip them close to the skin - just enough to get them out of the way.
Okay so with my husbands help we were able to bathe her and spray her for the night with the vetericyn. I have new photos attached. I am glad I did as I thought her vent area was bad, but she is actually missing a chunk out of the upper left side of her (if looking from her back). I am unsure if my dog just ripped out the chunk with her mouth, or if it was ripped off by her feathers. When I had picked up my dog to stop her from attacking she had only a mouth full of feathers. I sprayed it all real well. I also hung fly strips in my shed, which is basically and outdoor office, to stop any ones from potentially landing on her.

At what point would I know if she is not going to make it? I want to give her a real fighting chance, but I also don’t want her to suffer unnecessarily. I don’t really know what to do, I just feel horrible about all of this.


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That's a lot less severe than I expected, but it's still pretty bad. At this point the most you can do is control her pain and keep the wound clean and dry.

She may just pass on her own, but honestly, you'll know.

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