Dog Attacked my hen...nursing help please!

You did do your part as far as you knew but it turned out not to be enough given what you are up against. It’s not your fault your neighbors are jerks but you now have to go up a level. That might be as little as putting a caribiner through the lock hole on the latch. It could be as much as putting electricity on your fence so the dog never touches it again.

I do understand. We had to put 6’ chain link fence inside of our 4’ block wall to keep my neighbors aggressive pit bull out of our back yard. As it is he got over the wall at the corner and nearly killed the dog behind us. My dogs were only about 9 pounds each. I hated spending the money but they needed a place to play outside.

So that’s what I was thinking about. I didn’t mean to sound like I was criticizing you. My apologies though.
You did do your part as far as you knew but it turned out not to be enough given what you are up against. It’s not your fault your neighbors are jerks but you now have to go up a level. That might be as little as putting a caribiner through the lock hole on the latch. It could be as much as putting electricity on your fence so the dog never touches it again.

I do understand. We had to put 6’ chain link fence inside of our 4’ block wall to keep my neighbors aggressive pit bull out of our back yard. As it is he got over the wall at the corner and nearly killed the dog behind us. My dogs were only about 9 pounds each. I hated spending the money but they needed a place to play outside.

So that’s what I was thinking about. I didn’t mean to sound like I was criticizing you. My apologies though.
Oh no worries...I didn't feel criticized. This is what chicken community is all about...I like the carabiner advise. That is an easy fix.
Stop the saline. For a few days, I would use betadine or chlorhexidene to help disinfect the wound. After that apply plain Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment twice a day. If there are no signs of infection, you may go back to the saline, or use Vetericyn Wound Spray, but continue the ointment. Do not use peroxide, since it can prevent wound healing. The first use was okay. Since you didn’t notice the wounds for 24 hours, make sure there are no maggot larvae from flies in the wound. These wounds can heal very well with treatment, as long as there are no internal injuries. You may see some green in and around the wound, and that is usually bruising.
1. I have my hen in a crate in the house. It is about 2'x3'. I am wondering if I should have saw dust in the crate, or just keep her on the plastic flooring? The wound is about 3 to 4 inch tear in her skin that exposes her muscles. There are 4 deep puncture wounds from the dogs teeth. So I am concerned about the sawdust doing more damage than good.
2. How do I treat her to keep dust mites and other pests off her and under control?
I treated her with Hibiclens this morning. No sign of maggots at this time, would I be able to see signs of them in 48 hours?
3. This afternoon I sprayed her with Vetricyn Plus. Reading back at your recommendation it looks like I should have used the triple antibiotic instead, I hope I didn't hurt her more with the spray.
Just use Vetericyn. My hen was attacked by my own dog. It looked a lot worse than yours. Her whole neck was exposed. I sprayed the Veteticyn faithfully three times a day. I kept her inside until her skin grew back. It took about two months. Once the skin heals over thats when you need to start adding the neosporin so that the skin doesn't tighten up. Luckily yours isn't in the neck area. My poor girl had a hard time because her skin grew back too tight and it affected her crop and esophagus. I was able to keep up the neosporin so her skin would relax and fix the problem. She is my best layer now.
Just use Vetericyn. My hen was attacked by my own dog. It looked a lot worse than yours. Her whole neck was exposed. I sprayed the Veteticyn faithfully three times a day. I kept her inside until her skin grew back. It took about two months. Once the skin heals over thats when you need to start adding the neosporin so that the skin doesn't tighten up. Luckily yours isn't in the neck area. My poor girl had a hard time because her skin grew back too tight and it affected her crop and esophagus. I was able to keep up the neosporin so her skin would relax and fix the problem. She is my best layer now.
What do you think about placing her with some saw dust in her pen?
I would place her on a clean old towel. You may use paper towels on top of that if you wish to change out as needed. That way nothing will get into the wounds. The Triple Antibiotic Ointment is good for keeping the wound moist and prevention of infection. If it get too goopy hold off on the ointment and just use Vetericyn. Clean the wound and treat it twice a day.
Newspapers or a towel. No sawdust, hay or anything else. To be honest, two of the wounds look healable. The other large wound with the skin ripped away, torn muscle, fat and flesh showing is too large to repair. All you can do is hope. If she stops eating/drinking and seems to be weakening, do her a service and put her down. If you have not spoken to your neighbors and the local animal control officer you need to. The dog will be back. You really should take her to a vet. The dog owner is responsible to pay all vet costs as well as value of the hen to you if you lose her.

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