Dog attacked my turkeys need help

The turkey with the wing it is broke the bone is not out of the skin but it is broke. I don't have a vet that will work with farm animals.
The turkey with the wing it is broke the bone is not out of the skin but it is broke. I don't have a vet that will work with farm animals.
If it is not a compound fracture, you can try splinting it. Just be sure to keep checking on it and make sure that it is not wrapped so tight that the swelling cuts off the blood flow.

Good luck.
I had a neighbors dog attack my turkeys only 2 got injured one with a broken wing and the other one had some tail feathers pulled out and you can see the skin and had been bleeding a little bit. is there anything that I can do to help them. we don't have a vet that speacializes in farm animals where we live. So any advice that can help would be great thanks
I had my 1month old turkey get into my chicken pen. The hens roughed her up pretty good. The top of her head, neck and back was skinned. My husband was in the harvest field and so I drive an hour and a half to our closest vet (my husband was not happy I did this for a $6.00 turkey). My vet does not deal with turkeys either. He called fish and wildlife and called another vet who could advise him. So, for $90. He gave the turkey a shot for pain, gave me 7 syringes of antibiotics and a wash to use to clean the injured areas with. I built a hospital pen to keep her in. When she was all scabbed over I put her back with the turkeys. I thought it would go well, but after a couple of minutes, one came over, picked at her head and the rest swarmed at her. So, back in the hospital she went. Luckily for her one of my hens was getting plucked by some of the other hens, she I put her in there also and they are doing fine together!
I had my 1month old turkey get into my chicken pen. The hens roughed her up pretty good. The top of her head, neck and back was skinned. My husband was in the harvest field and so I drive an hour and a half to our closest vet (my husband was not happy I did this for a $6.00 turkey). My vet does not deal with turkeys either. He called fish and wildlife and called another vet who could advise him. So, for $90. He gave the turkey a shot for pain, gave me 7 syringes of antibiotics and a wash to use to clean the injured areas with. I built a hospital pen to keep her in. When she was all scabbed over I put her back with the turkeys. I thought it would go well, but after a couple of minutes, one came over, picked at her head and the rest swarmed at her. So, back in the hospital she went. Luckily for her one of my hens was getting plucked by some of the other hens, she I put her in there also and they are doing fine together!
well with my turkeys we have no vet I have been doctoring them up since it happened I'm afraid that the turkey with the broken wing isn't going to make it because it is setting up infection I've been cleaning the wing everyday with proxide and neosparion and putting on blue kot. i'm hoping that his will be enough to keep him alive. The other turkey that had the gash in her leg seems to be healing pretty good seems like it is trying to scab over. I will try to get some pictures later and show everyone.

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